Performance appraisals is a tool used by CanGo employees and managers where they can communicate by sharing ideas, opinions and information; however, the managers are usually put in the position of being the judge of the employee. ( As I reviewed this week video lecture I found that, a great number of employees are cynical about performance appraisals because the merit increase that is tied to the appraisal is trending downward; therefore employees feel that there isn 't any use…
When critiquing a research paper, you are evaluating the research and the argument made by the author. To evaluate a research article, one will need to look at what the author is claiming, their research methods, and any problems there might be with the claims made. Are the references in the article reliable? What process did the researchers use? Do the researchers show bias with their findings? There are many questions to ask and many elements to look at when critiquing a research paper. This paper will critique two different research articles; one qualitative and one quantitative.…
Rossi, P. H., Lipsey, M. W., & Freeman, H. E. (2004). Evaluation: A systematic approach (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.…
Pyrczak, F. (2008). Evaluating Research in Academic Journals: A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation. (4th ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.…
Select the quantitative or qualitative critical appraisal form available on the McMaster university site: Using the guidelines to help you, try to critique the article you chose in time out 4. Phase 2: appraising the quality of articles The term ‘assessing study quality’ is often used interchangeably with ‘assessing the internal validity’ – that is, the extent to which a study is free from methodological biases’ (Petticrew and Roberts 2006) or ‘the degree to which the results of a study are likely to approximate the “truth”’ (The Cochrane Collaboration 2009). Jadad (1998) suggested that the following points should be considered when assessing the quality of randomised controlled trials: 4Relevance of the research question. 4Internal validity of the trial – the degree to which the trial design, conduct, analysis and presentation minimise bias. 4External validity – the extent to which findings are generalisable. 4Appropriateness of the data analysis and presentation. 4Ethical implications. In the context of systematic reviews, quality refers to the methodological quality – the internal and external validity of quantitative studies.The criteria for qualitative studies are different. These studies are often judged on the basis of BOX…
Leon Morris, Jesus in the Christ: studies in the theology of John (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989).…
OVERVIEW: This is Part 1 of a two-part assignment designed to guide you through the steps of critically reviewing a published, evidence-based, scholarly journal article. This is an activity in which students engage frequently across their college careers in the completion of a variety of assignments. The article you review will be selected from the classroom Resources folder.…
The following paper will give valuable information regarding performance appraisal. It will also give example of personal experience with evaluations. Next the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation process will be incorporated into the paper. Lastly strategies to improve the performance appraisal process in your workplace for a more positive experience in the future.…
This paper should include sections on the strategic advantages of performance appraisals, potential forms of bias within the appraisal system, as well as how performance appraisals can contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives.…
assess its validity, results, and relevance. (Hill, 2001) Critical appraisal of research is preformed by clinicians prior to using it to make healthcare decisions. The critical appraisal process systematically finds, appraises, and acts on evidence based research after thorough review. The use of critical appraisal also allows us to make sense of research evidence and allows us to begin to close the gap between research and practice. (Hill, 2001)…
CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme). (2011). Appraising the Evidence. Available: Last accessed 16 Nov 2011.…
The purpose of this report is to conduct a critical appraisal of a published article.…
I have elected to use the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tool. I chose CASP as it is simple, directive and appropriate to quantitative research.…
To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study conducted, respond to each of the questions listed under the headings below. Do not answer the questions with a yes or no; rather, provide a rationale or include examples or content from the study to address the questions.…
Crombie, K., (2000). The Pocket Guide to Critical Appraisal 6th Ed. London: BMJ Publishing Group…