Ambedkar was social activist, injustice protestor and at present Ex- chief minister of up is Mayawati they are very well familiar to political network and always fight for right of Dalit. And in case of Muslim they are also presentative in cabinet at every post. For example, ex-president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. But there is no opportunity for Adivasi’s for the representation in state. Advises also deprived in mainstream media for Dalit and Muslim Television and Newspaper fairly cover every issue like victimization of Dalit and marginalization of Muslim, but Adivasi’s are more Victimize and Marginalize than both Dalit and Muslim but no media, editorial, report, article focus on Adivasi’s. Because they don’t have too much approach to government? Or they have less representation in the society? Or they have less participation in the democracy? But nowadays, in Adivasi’s dominated area the number of naxalites has been increase because of hills and dense forest areas. Therefore, in upland no one officer want to stay and doctor want to go clinic and teacher does not attend school. On the other side, Maoist move long distance for meeting along with Adivasi’s. Therefore, in the last century to group emerge as activist the Peoples War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) and finally combine and form single party Communist Party of India (Maoist). And this party member form committee in “Dantewada” which is known as “sangam” which will protest for water, forest and land. And on the other side “Maoist” attack on the police and police stations. Therefore, state take alternate decision and form non-tribal group known as “Salwa judum” for these Maoist or protestor in
Ambedkar was social activist, injustice protestor and at present Ex- chief minister of up is Mayawati they are very well familiar to political network and always fight for right of Dalit. And in case of Muslim they are also presentative in cabinet at every post. For example, ex-president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. But there is no opportunity for Adivasi’s for the representation in state. Advises also deprived in mainstream media for Dalit and Muslim Television and Newspaper fairly cover every issue like victimization of Dalit and marginalization of Muslim, but Adivasi’s are more Victimize and Marginalize than both Dalit and Muslim but no media, editorial, report, article focus on Adivasi’s. Because they don’t have too much approach to government? Or they have less representation in the society? Or they have less participation in the democracy? But nowadays, in Adivasi’s dominated area the number of naxalites has been increase because of hills and dense forest areas. Therefore, in upland no one officer want to stay and doctor want to go clinic and teacher does not attend school. On the other side, Maoist move long distance for meeting along with Adivasi’s. Therefore, in the last century to group emerge as activist the Peoples War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) and finally combine and form single party Communist Party of India (Maoist). And this party member form committee in “Dantewada” which is known as “sangam” which will protest for water, forest and land. And on the other side “Maoist” attack on the police and police stations. Therefore, state take alternate decision and form non-tribal group known as “Salwa judum” for these Maoist or protestor in