their views on wether or not the article is bias.
According to their research over seven hundred thousand Teachers have been reviewed by students since this article publishing in August 2008. Students who use suffer from the "halo effect" and have a predetermined idea of their professor before they ever meet them. Research shows that there are direct corilations between a teachers rating in one category and their rating in another. This on going patter in the data suggests that the students evaluations of their instructors should be called into question. Several hypothesis were created one being that if the coarse material was very clear then the helpfulness rating would also flourish. Another stating that if the easiness category scored high then so would the clarity of coarse material. These patterns suggest that the website is flawed in its ability to accurately judge instructors. is a great tool to use on the fly as a student if you are curious as to what the future for you, but as an academic tool it cannot be validated as being accurate and fair to instructors because of a flawed rating system.