
Analysis Of Rhythm 0 By Marina Abramovsky

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Analysis Of Rhythm 0 By Marina Abramovsky
Marina Abramović is considered to be an outstanding and controversial performance artist. In 1974 she performed one of her most memorable works called “Rhythm 0”. The performance lasted 6 hours, there where 72 different objects placed on a table. She also had the instructions on it, which stated “Instructions. there are 72 objects on the table that one can use on me as desired. Performance. I am the Object. During this period, I take full responsibility”. At the beginning the audience was playful and non-aggressive, but as the hours began to pass they became more comfortable and therefore more aggressive towards Abramović. This performance explored the limits the audience has with the artist. It “ Tested how vulnerable and aggressive the human …show more content…
Therefore, we can assume that she suggested the use of objects such as blades, whips and the gun. “expectancies set us up for automatic responses that actively influence how we get to the outcome we expect. Once we anticipate a specific outcome will occur, our subsequent thoughts and behaviors will actually help to bring that outcome to fruition.” She gave total freedom to the audience, judgment free actions. The subjects did not longer feel the social pressure of what it was right and what was wrong, because they where in a sense hidden from the outside. As they began to explore the artist limits, they also started to push it a little farter each time. They wanted to see how much they could get away with. This can be related to social experiments such as the “Stanford Prison Experiment”. This experiment was conducted by the University of Stanford in 1973. To explore the relationship between guars and prisoners. By converting a basement of the Stanford University Psychology Building into a mock prison and randomly assigning the roles of Guards and prisoners to the contributors. There where 11 guards and 10 prisoners, participants where implied to act as their roles. Within hours the guars had …show more content…
Isn’t safer when there are more people around? Psychologist would argue that it is not. These psychological effect is known as the Bystander Effect. “The bystander effect is an element of social psychology that implies that when the number of bystanders is increased in an emergency situation, the less likely any of the bystanders will aid, or assist in the situation”. Humans have social norms, the majority of people will do as the crow does. In Rhythm 0 the audience didn’t react to the harassment that occurred because of diffusion of responsibility, “Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present.” As they saw no individual taking a stand against most acts they accepted what was happening as the norm, what was expected. They had a need to behave in what was socially acceptable in that room, which they saw as just the spectators. “ During such chaotic moments, people often look to others in the group to determine what is appropriate. When people look at the crowd and see that no one else is reacting, it sends a signal that perhaps no action is needed.” Therefore as the audience saw no reaction when hurting Abramović their limits where pushed

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