Even though couplets are not used very often in “The Road Not Taken” , when they are used they help the poem keep flowing. A couplet is when the end words of succeeding lines of a poem rhyme. “And be one traveler, long I stood / and looked down as far as I could” (3,4) is the first couplet in the poem. It is positioned after a group of non-rhyming lines. If this pattern continued throughout the whole poem the message would be lost because the reader would get bored. The only other couplet in the poem is located in stanza four. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I− / I took
Even though couplets are not used very often in “The Road Not Taken” , when they are used they help the poem keep flowing. A couplet is when the end words of succeeding lines of a poem rhyme. “And be one traveler, long I stood / and looked down as far as I could” (3,4) is the first couplet in the poem. It is positioned after a group of non-rhyming lines. If this pattern continued throughout the whole poem the message would be lost because the reader would get bored. The only other couplet in the poem is located in stanza four. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I− / I took