into his artical being that he followed the statment with facts(found in chaspter 6) which argue the intencity of the punishment and penaltys in Singapore.
The Author in the Editorial by the New York Times was all one sided. It was against the Caning of Michael Fay and used a number of solid statements from the text to support their soul stance. A very good example of a stern claim in the Editorial I found was in chapter 2 stating; “So, the argumenmt goes, when Americans express outrage over a punishment that causes permanint scaring- in this case, caning- they are commiting an act of cultural arrogance, assuming that american values are intrinsically superior to those of another culture. This stament givin is very onesided, it easily said is a shaming of singapore toward america for caring so profoundly on the individual in this case Michuel Fay.