This procedure finds statistics about a single variable from a sample, and estimates confidence intervals for the variable.…
In Andre’ Martin’s (2012) article, “On Teenagers and Tattoos”, he discusses the different reasons as to why adolescents would choose self expression by obtaining a tattoo or a piercing and how society views them, as well as how they view themselves. Martin deliberates many diverse reasons as to why teenagers choose to utilize their body as a canvas for art forms, or whether or not they are in a state of ignorance due to rebellion and self-acceptance. Martin conveys many innumerable reasons in this article concentrating on an individual’s right to express them as they see fit. Some teens tattoo or pierce themselves simply due to acceptance from acquaintances, others just to rebel against society.…
The author made some strong points about how society has become throughout this story. You can tell he isn’t fond of the fact that our society has adapted to caring a lot more about our appearance then other factors. He made some other points but this one was repeated through many examples.…
Human beings exhibit little reverence for the sanctity of their flesh. In our eternal quest for aesthetic perfection, bodies are twisted, molded, plucked and burned in order to live up to unobtainable ideals. Unfortunately, though human desires can be appeased, they are never satisfied, and beauty is no exception. To quote Legal Professor Deborah L. Rhode: “Desires, expectations, and standards of comparison increase as rapidly as they are satisfied.” (Rhode 30) Undeniably, the female body is overwhelmingly and disproportionately subjected to such modifications, due in no small part to the pervasive desires of patriarchies perpetuated through history. This beauty mandate has left innumerable women aching for perfection in an era where the feminine…
Andre Martin’s essay, “On Teenagers and Tattoos” discusses the cons of tattoos and piercings on teenagers. Although valid points are made, he views tattoos as a whole, as mutilations and cries for attention. He addresses how tattoos are a form of identity and ownership, as well as a permanent marking upon the body. The individual is in complete control and it gives teenagers the sense of stability that they long for. While valid points, Martin seems to look past the reason why a majority of adolescents get tattoos: for the enjoyment of them. Tattoos can often tell a lot about someone. They are permanent and can create an everlasting bond between the art and the individual getting it.…
Growing up we are all taught right from wrong, good from bad, pretty from ugly. We are also taught stereotypes and inappropriate judgment. Our parents and teachers tell us to express ourselves but we ultimately express what we’ve been taught, or what our enslaved minds have been trained to think. We have been taught to think that people covered in tattoos must be dangerous, and that girls who get drunk on a weekly basis must be trashy. The two images written about in “Who Is This Man, and Why Is He Screaming,” by Rachel Kadish and “Veiled Threat: The Guerilla Graffiti of Princess Hijab,” by Arwa Aburawa, are the perfect examples of how some of us have been able to think differently from our society and…
Throughout the past thirty or so years, the human body began to show originality, not through bone structure, but through personality. Wilham and Bulark (2003) believe sixty five percent of adults (18+) in the United States chose to add originality to their skin. This form of art is called tattooing. The process of tattooing is described by Mirriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (2003) as, "to mark or color (the skin) by pricking in coloring matter so as to form indelible marks or pictures." Even though originality may seem ideal, there is a controversy over whether getting tattooed or to worry about the stereotype of promised disease, infection, and easy fading. The question is, why would a person allow an unknown individual to place foreign inks into their skin, with sharp needles? The answer lies in the tattoo parlors that shape our body modified world, and the god/goddess if the shop, the tattoo artist.…
People tattoo their bodies for attention, expression, addiction, rebellion and more. Hair dying, piercings, plastic surgery, hanging, and castration are forms of modification and “Partly, the purpose of these practices is to create a decorative scar (161). ” We are proud to modify our bodies to make them look better or make our bodies look how we want it to look. Mutilation is uncontrolled. People feel depressed and so they are not able to cope with life, they cannot help themselves.…
During the 19th century, the skin needed to be perfect as well. Facial blemishes were believed to be cured by marriage by some because it “indicated a life that was out of balance” (body proj 62) and was an indication of masturbation or uncleanliness. Acne was everyone's disease and was seen in different races and classes of individuals. The body project also extends to women who view the ideal self in body modifications such as tattoos and piercings. Courtney is no stranger to tattoos and piercings and neither is Alex. At the age of 13, she received her first piercing while she would receive her first tattoo at 18 years of age. Now 25, she has five tattoos, 15 piercings and gauged ears. Courtney has been interested with body modifications since she was very young. While each tattoo has it's own story which has helped her through a time in her life, she likes to think of them “as a scrapbook of who I am, who I can be, and who I’ve been.” She also believes that “society still has hang-ups on a woman taking control of her body in such a permanent way, as if a woman is incapable of making drastic, permanent decisions”adding that sometimes “men have unfairly assumed I’m “slutty” because I have visible tattoos and piercings, because “nice girls don’t wear their rebellious behavior on their sleeve.” Alex also believes that society views women…
I. Judging a book by the cover and a person by his or her outward appearance is a being judgmental without knowing what the content of the book is and without analyzing the difference of inside and the outward appearance of a person. We are accepted by our family, friends and relatives who we are but, other organization such as, businesses, public relations, and schools discouraged skull or visible tattoos, ear or tongue piercing, hairstyle, garments or even our clothes for everyday basis. Some issues of safety, human rights and freedom of every person are discriminating who you are. Every person must carefully consider their choices.…
Tattoos and Body piercings have had many different stages across history, from tribes’ traditions and war adornments to mark of undesirable societies (in the case of Jewish people during the Nazi revolution) and prisoners; from rebel behaviour to a particular lifestyle such as hippies. Nevertheless, these traditions, lifestyles or any other term used to…
When writing this article, Andres Martin merely keeps in mind who he is writing to, his audience of colleagues and parents searching for an answer regarding their “troubled” teen. His audience expects that he’ll condemn teenagers with tattoos and back up their stance on the issue, simply because he is a child psychologist and should see this behavior as unacceptable. His audience would expect that he’d provide his medical input that would support and justify their opposition to their kids having tattoos, again because he is a child psychologist. The part of his audience that are parents would expect that the article would include a lot of facts, medical terms, research and words they couldn’t understand, because Martin isn’t only writing to…
What is body modification and why has it had such a large impact on society? For centuries humans have been using their bodies as a canvas to identify themselves to the rest of society. Body modification lets a person stand out or blend in; it allows people to describe who they are and where they come from without saying a word. There are many forms of body modification such as Tattooing, Scarification, Piercings, Stretching, Plastic Surgery, and Corseting. Each form holds a story, a reason why it is done. “ In the past three decades, Western body art has not only become a practice, and in some quarters a fashion, that has crossed social boundaries of class and gender, "high" culture and "low," but also it has been greatly influenced by "tribal" practices, past and present.” (Enid Schildkrout, Inscribing the Body, Para 10 line 8)…
In mainstream society today, there is a stigma attached to having tattoos. One with tattoos, or “bodily signs,” is referred to as a “deviator”. In the book, “Stigma: Notes on the Management of a Spoiled Identity”, Erving Goffman defines tattoo individual as an “individual member who does not adhere to the norms” (Goffman 141) and they are perceived as “failing to use available opportunity for advancement in the various approved runways of society” (Goffman 144). Tattoo recipients have been looked at by many people in society as socially deviant because they are going against the norms by cosmetically adding to their natural body. Tattooing, according to this book, is seen as negative behavior and is done by…
As a young adult I bare multiple piercings and soon may have a tattoo. The dilemma of getting a tattoo is due to the negative outlook that society has associated with both piercings and tattoos. Body piercings and tattoos have a well-known bad reputation. There are multiple complications that come with getting a tattoo like, infections, allergic reaction to the ink, and scarring (Gale Tattooing Risks). Piercing with an unclean needle can spread diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV, both of which can be associated with drug use and gang affiliation. People with tattoos and piercings have their own stereotype and have for many centuries. Nowadays a well built male with both arms covered in tattoos (known as sleeves) is assumed to be either a degenerate or an ex-gang member, when in reality the young man is a contemporary artist and his canvas is his body. The most recent debates regarding tattoos and body piercings have been going on for decades and suggest that the body is not a canvas for art. The argument should be that people are too closed minded to adapt to modern society to understand that people have begun tattooing and piercing their bodies as a sign of art, as well as a sign of love or for loyalty to an organization.…