In the articles “The Totally Gruesome, Totally Fascinating History of teeth” and “Where are all the Dentists?” both by Kristin lewis, it talks about how there are lots of challenges that people faced with dentistry over time. There are lots of small problems, but there are also lots of big problems, one that it talks about in the article is that back in the day, before we had good dental work, people would get there teeth pulled without anesthetics. In the article it says ”Tough cowboys of the American West would weep openly as their diseased teeth were yanked out with pliers--often with little more than a few gulps of whiskey to dull the searing pain,” (Lewis 14). This shows that people back in the day were willing to get there teeth pulled and go through the pain so they don't get an infection.…
When it comes to narrowing down end-of-the-year favorites, increasingly the only criteria that makes sense to me is, “How profoundly did this change the way I thought about its subject?” And reading this essay on class and poverty and dental care felt like following Sarah Smarsh around as she flipped on light switch after light switch, illuminating not only dark rooms I’d never thought to enter before, but also spaces I thought I knew well but which turned out to be all shadowed corners. It works so well, I think, because Smarsh seems to have sensed that this couldn’t just be a personal essay or a reported story or a piece of pop-culture criticism—to talk about Pennsatucky’s teeth is to talk about her grandmother’s teeth is to talk about her…
This separation of the river is described as a gradual change in which species came into their beings, which took place over a long period of time. Dawkins mentions in Chapter one that the river that he is referring to is that of DNA, “flowing through time” (Dawkins 4). He describes the river as being full of information and instruction on evolving, an abstract manual on the creation of species. With this being said, it can be seen that Chapter 1 and 3 are complements of each other and are able to support points made in each chapter. Evolution is gradual, as discussed in Chapter 1, further solidified in Chapter 3. Each generation of organisms is a sieve against which replicated and mutated genes are tested, a process that is not only gradual, but one that happens over time. Organisms become better and better as time goes on and are able to build off of what has happened in species before them. “Ancestors are rare, descendants are common,” meaning that good genes make successful organisms, which perpetuate good genes themselves (Dawkins…
What does Stoddard mean by dragon's teeth being sown over both Europe and Asia and therefore the Treaty of Versailles needs to be amended? Normally, we use dragon to explain China but we all know that China was one of the losers in this treaty because it's vast lands were divided among European "superpowers" and Japan. Does he mean Japan by the phrase "dragon's teeth" and if it were so, why? Japanese of this time was intensively and fundamentally Westernized that the only factor that differentiates them from the other Westerners is the tone of their skin (sometimes not even clear). However, if this were the case and the reason why he wants the Versailles Treaty to be revised then he sounds nothing but racist/ purist to me.…
In this lab simulation, we studied the different factors that go into natural selection. These factors were things such as: fertility, the complexity of genes, the use of natural selection versus not using it, and the rate of mutation. All of these things would then affect the amount of generations it would take to get the “target phrase.” This target phrase was used as a tool to understand the complexity of some genes compared to the simplicity of others. The first chapter in Dawkins’ book, “The Blind Watchmaker,” correlates the most when it comes to what we studied in the lab. In the first chapter, he describes that complex things such as animals must have been made by design. However, he also explains that this designer is…
Comparison and classification have been central pillars of biology since Linnaeus proposed his taxonomy and Darwin observed the mockingbirds on the Galapagos Islands. Like most scientific knowledge, biological laws and models are derived from comparing entities (such as genes, cells, organisms, populations, species) and finding their similarities and differences. However, biology is unlike other sciences in that its knowledge can seldom be reduced to mathematical form. Thus, biologists either record their knowledge in natural language—for example, in scientific publications—or they must seek other forms of representation to organize it, such as classification schemes. When new entities arise, biologists approach them by comparing them to known…
Studying primate dentition is a relatively old topic. There have been many studies conducted to find more information on primate dental morphology. The research is conducted to try and distinguish the relationship between diet and primate dentition. Primate teeth have several functions, but their primary function is the mastication of food. Their dental morphology reflects the various functions demanded by the variety of food types—shearing, chopping, grinding. Generally, incisors function chiefly for cutting, canines for grasping and piercing, and premolars and molars for chewing. Primate diets like: fruits, leaves, and insects, require specialized dentitions. Primates with specialized dental morphologies corresponding to their diets can be placed into one of three categories: insectivore, folivore, or frugivore. Many primate families have similar dental morphology analogous to what category they are in: insectivore, fulivore, or frugivore. Family Lemuridae are mainly insectivores, Family Pongidae are primarily folivores, while Family Homindae are omnivores. Most Families are also frugivores when fruit is in season.…
Last week, for Teeth’s twelfth birthday, Gerbil Bill gave him a bolt cutter and taught him how to break locks with it. Teeth broke everything he could fit in the bolt cutter until Gerbil Bill made a golden rule: leave it in the cart until you go out to scavenge.…
After offering these experiments, Dawkins summarized that:“The reason eyes and wasp-pollinated orchids impress us so is that they are improbable by luck are odds too great to be borne in the real world. Gradual evolution by small steps, each step being lucky but not too lucky, is the solution to the riddle” (Dawkins 83-84). This summery reflects the relationship between the experiments and gradualism where profound change is the cumulative product of slow but continuous…
He solely bases his beliefs on the quantity of evidence held by each side, using scientific evidence when regarding evolution and biblical literalism when regarding creationism. Dawkins from his statement concludes that based on his studies, all the evidence points towards evolution, implying that the Bible or any other religious book or testament is not a sufficient amount of data to conclude that the belief that life was created by a divine being is legitimate. Furthermore, Dawkins’ argument is captivating by distinctly claiming that he believes in one side over the other, averting from flaw of the “Integration” model, where science and religion can be basically unified as if they were in the same field of study. Additionally, Dawkins mentions the lack of evidence creationism has which can be compared to a film in which a character had the same problem,…
In the book, Dawkins promotes the view of competition amongst all genes. When genes are passed down from one generation to the next, only the majority of the dominant traits are passed down. The idea emphasizes Darwin’s theory of natural selection in which only the strong survive also known as evolution. Dawkin’s believes that genes are selfish in a sense that they compete solely for themselves, trying to pass themselves down. In the same way, memes also have the same purpose, to pass themselves down. Blackmore portrays memes like genes, selfish.…
A central organizing concept in biology is that life changes and develops through evolution, and that all life-forms known have a common origin. The theory of evolution postulates that all organisms on the Earth, both living and extinct, have descended from a common ancestor or an ancestral gene pool. This last universal common ancestor of all organisms is believed to have appeared about 3.5 billion years ago.[21] Biologists generally regard the universality and ubiquity of the genetic code as definitive evidence in favor of the theory of universal common descent for all bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes (see: origin of life).[22]…
Patterns in the distribution of living and fossil species tell us how modern organisms evolved from their ancestors. Many recently discovered fossils form series that trace the evolution of modern species from extinct ancestors. At the molecular level, the universal genetic code and homologous molecules provide evidence of common descent.…
With summer around the corner, wedding season is not too far on the horizon. Whether you are the bride or an important guest, that means lots of upcoming photos. As someone with crooked teeth you know photos means awkward situations where you just don't want to smile.You do have options for making your next photo opportunity a lot more positive, but you have to take action now.…
Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryoniccells, grow, and erupt into the mouth. Although many diverse species have teeth, non-human tooth development is largely the same as in humans. For human teeth to have a healthy oral environment,enamel, dentin, cementum, and the periodontium must all develop during appropriate stages of fetal development. Primary (baby) teeth start to form between the sixth and eighth weeks, and permanent teethbegin to form in the twentieth week.[1] If teeth do not start to develop at or near these times, they will not develop at all.…