
Analysis Of The Ballot Or The Bullet Speech

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Analysis Of The Ballot Or The Bullet Speech
Ballot or The Bullet

Is this the year of the Ballot or the Bullet? April 12th, 1964 Malcom X gave his famous Ballot or the Bullet speech. This speech took place in Cleveland, Ohio. Malcom X spoke in front of a large crowd who were very interactive along with amazed by what Mr. Malcom had to say. Malcom gave this speech to get his point across of Black Excellent. In this year, this was the year of election Malcom wants us as black people to start realizing that we are the ones who puts the leader of our country in that office not the white. Malcom X states we’re able to determine who will go to the White House, and who will stay in the doghouse. At the time Lyndon B. Johnson was the president and Malcom says we have the power to put Johnson back in Washington DC or send him back to his Texas cotton patch. In this speech Malcom says a lot of deep things that us as African Americans need to listen to. Us as black people put Kennedy in Washington and it was a fact that the Negro vote is the key factor in picking our new leader. He states that we do not invest in our community but we always complain about how bad our community looks or why all black people live in the ghetto. He believes that we need to start using our money in our own community instead of going out and spending our money
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“We have never seen democracy; we have only seen hypocrisy.” When Malcom X says this, he means that when he open his eyes he sees American through the eyes of someone who has been an victim of Americanism, he says we have not seen the American dream but only

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