The boy in the striped pyjamas Author/Director:
Mark Herman Text Type:
Visual Text Category:
Q1: Choose an idea in the text you have read and evaluate in detail how it is presented. Support your evaluation with specific examples (quotations)
Bruno was to innocent to know that he was not allowed to talk with the jew kid in the other side of the fence. That is the main idea of the movie The boy in the striped pyjamas. The movie is about the life o Bruno a little german boy, son of one of the most important nazis in the second world war and how he lives next to a concentration, one day he finds the fence and in the other side of it is a boy with a pyjamas, Bruno starts getting curious about this boy and he discovers that the name of the boy is Shmuel, they start a friendship without even knowing that if someone discover their friendship there would be problems for Shmuel. When you are a little kid you do not judge people and you see the good in everyone, Bruno did not know that he must not talk to the people in the other side of the fence , he didn’t have that ideas that grown people had. The movie shows the innocence of a child and the mistakes grown people do.
Q2: How do you relate to a character/event /idea/setting in this text? Give your personal opinion of this character and reflect on why you think this:
I children are the most honest people because they don’t have ideas that adult people have, that is what I like about Bruno his innoncence and how he just wanted to help Shmuel despite his position, Bruno is a loyal friend and makes everything to be with Shmuel an example of it is in one of the last scenes when he grabs the hand of his friend before getting into the gas chamber. He died with his friend and he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to be there, that his father was one of the reasons that the fences where there. People lost everything in this places, but children where the more affected because the lost