Determining the Porter’s five-point theory on competitive structure is important for a company to survive the stock market competition. The project analysis is based on General Motor’s Company, which has seen ups and downs in its illustrious history. The establishment or entry into the automotive market wasn’t a difficult task for GM. The company’s financial situation was hit with severe competition from foreign rivals and its internal regional alliances. The other external factor that resulted in GM’s bankrupt situation is recession period. Applying, generic decision making strategies made the company recover its lost status and currently leading its way in design, build and selling of cars and trucks. Bargaining stakeholders to elevate the production values is one of the strategies of GM to become global…
As individuals carry on in life they develop expectancies. Expectancy is what we expect to occur in a familiar situation. We expect a doorknob to twist clockwise and a light switch to go down when we want the light off. Expectancies are carried over to driving. Dewar, Farber, & Olson (2010), discusses how common practices have been developed while designing vehicles, road-design and signage so that a certain expectancies can be developed. This expectancy allows for drivers to be ready and aware of the situations they may be encountered on the roads. When people’s expectancies are challenged they must adjust and establish…
The theme of disconnection is extremely prevalent in Jean Toomer’s “Cane”, especially that of women and the society around them. It was a strange time for African American women, because they had not really made their place in society yet. They were just looked at as sexual objects and housewives.…
Brain damage- If the mother is a heavy drinker can cause the unborn brain damage.…
There has not been a level set which states that any level of alcohol is safe during pregnancy, which means that the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome is to abstain from alcohol throughout pregnancy.…
Also if the mother has exposed her baby to alcohol when she is pregnant then the baby could be born with Fetal alcohol syndrome. This can really affect an infant’s physical development.…
On a sadder note, Janet has had many problems with addiction in the past and has been challenged with keeping herself away from beer in larger quantities than just a few units, at times during the pregnancy. Since alcohol is a factor in this adoption, I have felt it was important that we prepare for protective steps that may be taken to prevent the damaging effects of teratogens. Abnormal development in embryos and the causes of congenital malformations or birth defects. Infants born to alcoholic mothers demonstrate prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency, mental retardation, and other malformations. These anatomical or structural abnormalities are present at birth although they may not be diagnosed until later in life.…
How many drinks are appropriate for a woman that is trying to conceive? Most would answer none. The consumption of alcohol can lead to various problems during and after pregnancy. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is a condition which leads to various irreversible problems; it is considered to be poisonous because it causes great damage before conception, and most importantly, the developing embryo. The effect on the fetus varies; some are more affected than others. When the alcohol enters the body of a pregnant mother, it enters her bloodstream which travels pass the placenta to the fetus. It takes a significant amount of time for the fetus to absorb the alcohol—therefore, when a pregnant woman drinks heavily, the developing tissues and organs…
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, is drinking during pregnancy that endangers the fetus and causes effects on the unborn. Alcohol crosses the placenta and deprives the baby of nutrients and oxygen. The consumption of alcohol during pregnancy causes physical, mental and neurobehavioral issues. It increases growth restriction, abnormalities in the brain, central nervous system with impairment in cognition and behavior, and physical abnormalities. Some of the disorders are known as alcohol related neuro-developmental disorder (ARND) and the physical malformations are referred to alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD). I have learned that some children commonly go undiagnosed, causing learning difficulties later in school. Alcohol causes an incredible damage; it interferes with the orderly development of tissues during the most critical periods. When the mother consumes alcohol, the fetus is being toxic by it. My question is why risk it or why does this happen. Every woman should be educated on this matter to prevent…
There are three diagnoses linked to FASD such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), -[ ] (Partial Fetal Alcohol syndrome (pFAS), Alcohol Related Birth Defects (ARBD), and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND). Out of all the conditions of FASD, FAS is the most severe disorder. According to A.D.A.M Medical Encyclopedia’s information on fetal alcohol syndrome “A pregnant woman who drinks any amount of alcohol is at risk for having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome. No ‘safe’ level of alcohol use during pregnancy has been established”. (Maria Trimarchi 5). Larger amounts of alcohol appear to increase the problems. Alcohol use appears to be the most harmful during the first 3 months of pregnancy. However for women and teenage girls drinking alcohol any time during pregnancy can be harmful. Furthermore, common symptoms of babies with FAS include poor growth, heart defects, facial disfigurement, and delayed development in thinking, speech, movement, or social skills. Typical facial deformities associated with FAS include a small head and upper jaw as well as small narrow eyes…
The 1990s is witnessing the significant impact alcohol-related birth defects are having on our society. These birth defects are caused by maternal use of alcohol during pregnancy which are irreversible, yet preventable. The most severe outcome, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), to the less easily diagnosed fetal alcohol effects (FAE). The incidence of FAS is estimated at .33 per 1,000 live births. The estimated incidence of FAE is three times that of FAS. With an annual cost of $76.4 million in the United States which only includes FAS, not FAE. The bulk of these costs are associated with mental retardation. It impacts the family, education system, health system and social services in general, as well as individual losses. FAS is considered the most common known cause of mental retardation in the Western World. For a positive diagnosis of FAS, in addition to a history of maternal alcohol use during pregnancy, each of the following three categories must be present:…
There is no cure or specific treatment for FAS. However, early intervention services can help reduce some of the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome and prevent some of the secondary disabilities that result. Some of the intervention services, such as a team that includes a special education teacher, speech therapist, physical and occupational therapists,psychologist. Early intervention to help with walking, talking and social skills. If FAS is diagnosed earlier in life, more progress can be…
It sounds simple: women who drink excessively while pregnant are at high risk for giving birth to children with birth defects. Therefore, to prevent these defects, women should stop drinking alcohol during all phases of pregnancy. Alternatively, women who drink alcohol should not become pregnant unless and until they can control their drinking. More than 20 years ago, when fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was first described in the published medical literature, there were high hopes for its prevention. In fact, this has not been simple, and the biomedical and public health communities are still struggling to eliminate a birth defect that should be absolutely preventable.…
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders is a term that is used to describe a range of problems that can occur to a fetus if the mother consumes any amount of alcohol during her pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the most severe form of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and has the most visibly identifiable characteristics. Alcohol drastically interferes with the growth and development of several body systems such and the brain and spinal cord, facial features and even causes many mental, behavioural and learning disabilities that last a lifetime.…
The use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol exact a steep price from our society. Substance abuse is a factor in many serious ills such as crime. More upsetting, however, is the affects that it has on children born affected from their dependent mothers. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 60 percent of women of childbearing age consume alcoholic beverages despite the fact that alcohol consumption during pregnancy is implicated in a wide range of birth defects and developmental disabilities, including mental retardation, physical abnormalities, and visual and auditory impairments. (Nevitt, 1996)…