“Here’s the thing, say Shug. The thing I believe. God is inside you and inside everybody else. You come into the world with God. But only them that search for it inside find it…”(Shug to Celie) Shug is tell Celie that God has no gender and no race. But God is inside of every person soul that he has created to be in this world. This impact Celie life by tell her that God is not a men or women. It also explain that God is not one shade of color but he or she is multiple color or race. It’s tell Celie that God can be whatever color and gender he or she wanted to become at any moment. Shug tells Celie an important thing about God because she did not believe that God will listen to her prayer. The letter gave her inspiration that God. is hearing her prayer. [F.]. “Dear God. Dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God.”(Celie). Celie is writes her one last letter to God, she actual address the our saver. Celie thanks God for bringing back her sister and childrens to her. This is impact Celie life because she can findlay be with her family for a long time away from them. This is important to Celie because her sister and childrens were taken away from her at a very young age. Her prayer were findlay answer when she saw her family in the purple field. This whole section is important because some of Alice Walker ancestors were separated when they were sold into slavery at a young
“Here’s the thing, say Shug. The thing I believe. God is inside you and inside everybody else. You come into the world with God. But only them that search for it inside find it…”(Shug to Celie) Shug is tell Celie that God has no gender and no race. But God is inside of every person soul that he has created to be in this world. This impact Celie life by tell her that God is not a men or women. It also explain that God is not one shade of color but he or she is multiple color or race. It’s tell Celie that God can be whatever color and gender he or she wanted to become at any moment. Shug tells Celie an important thing about God because she did not believe that God will listen to her prayer. The letter gave her inspiration that God. is hearing her prayer. [F.]. “Dear God. Dear stars, dear trees, dear sky, dear peoples. Dear Everything. Dear God.”(Celie). Celie is writes her one last letter to God, she actual address the our saver. Celie thanks God for bringing back her sister and childrens to her. This is impact Celie life because she can findlay be with her family for a long time away from them. This is important to Celie because her sister and childrens were taken away from her at a very young age. Her prayer were findlay answer when she saw her family in the purple field. This whole section is important because some of Alice Walker ancestors were separated when they were sold into slavery at a young