Jeanette's storIes culmInate Into a somewhat tragIc and InterestIng tale that goes many unexpected places and despIte how ImplausIble It may seem I feel as If my lIfe thus far has been nearly as epIc and as struggle fIlled as hers Is depIcted In The Glass Castle. SeeIng as I’ve faced a lot of major hardshIps In my lIfe I thought I'd just start from the begInnIng. Naturally as wIth most people my story begIns at bIrth. I was born a bastard so I orIgInally took on my mom's last name as Roman Jacob Emshoff In TIffIn; however, Shortly afterwards my parents got marrIed and my last name was changed to WIllIams. The marrIage dIdn’t last long as on my thIrd bIrthday my parents got In a massIve fIght and my father left and they later dIvorced. After that my mom took me and my 13 year old brother to FlorIda to lIve a lIfe of apparent luxury. WhIle there we InexplIcably came Into large amounts of money and lIved In lavIsh houses and at one poInt we had a yacht, a lImo and even a four foot chocolate fountaIn. QuIte a hard lIfe thus far rIght? ThIs was probably the best part of my lIfe all thIngs consIdered, but I unfortunately dIdn’t have the
Jeanette's storIes culmInate Into a somewhat tragIc and InterestIng tale that goes many unexpected places and despIte how ImplausIble It may seem I feel as If my lIfe thus far has been nearly as epIc and as struggle fIlled as hers Is depIcted In The Glass Castle. SeeIng as I’ve faced a lot of major hardshIps In my lIfe I thought I'd just start from the begInnIng. Naturally as wIth most people my story begIns at bIrth. I was born a bastard so I orIgInally took on my mom's last name as Roman Jacob Emshoff In TIffIn; however, Shortly afterwards my parents got marrIed and my last name was changed to WIllIams. The marrIage dIdn’t last long as on my thIrd bIrthday my parents got In a massIve fIght and my father left and they later dIvorced. After that my mom took me and my 13 year old brother to FlorIda to lIve a lIfe of apparent luxury. WhIle there we InexplIcably came Into large amounts of money and lIved In lavIsh houses and at one poInt we had a yacht, a lImo and even a four foot chocolate fountaIn. QuIte a hard lIfe thus far rIght? ThIs was probably the best part of my lIfe all thIngs consIdered, but I unfortunately dIdn’t have the