2008). More so, from an empirical perspective, there exist links between local development and social economy organizations (ibid). Guldsmeden Hotel for instance employs a diverse section of individuals into its workforce. Moreover, it assists the police and other groups in the fight against crimes mostly peddled around the hotels’ vicinity (Guldsmeden, 2016). Regardless of how enormous their contribution maybe, little if not less attention has been paid to the research and further development of social economy and so-called social economy organizations (Noya, A. et al. 2008). After all, just like the economist Milton Friedman (1970) suggested, the only social responsibility of businesses is to make profit. This popular guess about the social angles of businesses could perhaps be an attributing factor to why much research is not focused on social economy …show more content…
Charles Gide is credited to have given these organizations a central place in social economy research (ibid). Having been coined by French cooperatives, mutualist and associative movements in the 1970s, the term “social economy” for about the last century consists of three main legal and institutions: cooperative enterprises, mutual aid societies and organizations whose legal status fall under the generic categorization “associations”. Under this definitional constraint, it could be hard to argue that the Guldsmeden Hotel is a social economy organization as it obviously does not fit into any of the three institutional categories listed above even though it does have somewhat of a social angle to their endeavours. It is however worth to notice that though this approach originated from France, this approach could serve as a guideline for similar social economy categorizations worldwide. However, this approach is limited as it is one sided and does not talk about the governance structure, the participatory nature and social economy organization’s relations to present day economics and