Compared to the rest of the shipping industry, the LNG market has been rather stable – perhaps not as successful as in the years before, but still doing quite good. According to a Lloyd’s List article from October 2012, the LNG market has been doing much better than the other shipping sectors, with only around 5% idle ships. This of course is mainly due to the high demand for energy from Japan, where the same figure was twice as large prior to the Fukushima disaster (Lloyd’s list, 2012c). The situation in the spot and in the time charter markets has been different in the past six months, mainly because usually LNG carriers are chartered for longer periods of time (15-20 years and more) and such long-term commitment is a challenge in today’s insecure economic situation – of course, by October 2012, still around 70% of the ships were tied to a long-term contracts. On the other hand, spot hires are more often driven by different and more temporary factors, such as shortage of material or unusual weather conditions, which require more energy, different trading patterns, prices of gas, maintenance of gas sources, etc. For example, in November 2012, the expected lower winter temperatures in Japan
Compared to the rest of the shipping industry, the LNG market has been rather stable – perhaps not as successful as in the years before, but still doing quite good. According to a Lloyd’s List article from October 2012, the LNG market has been doing much better than the other shipping sectors, with only around 5% idle ships. This of course is mainly due to the high demand for energy from Japan, where the same figure was twice as large prior to the Fukushima disaster (Lloyd’s list, 2012c). The situation in the spot and in the time charter markets has been different in the past six months, mainly because usually LNG carriers are chartered for longer periods of time (15-20 years and more) and such long-term commitment is a challenge in today’s insecure economic situation – of course, by October 2012, still around 70% of the ships were tied to a long-term contracts. On the other hand, spot hires are more often driven by different and more temporary factors, such as shortage of material or unusual weather conditions, which require more energy, different trading patterns, prices of gas, maintenance of gas sources, etc. For example, in November 2012, the expected lower winter temperatures in Japan