In "August 2026", Bradbury uses the setting to show a negative tone and the theme that mankind will destroy itself and its creations. In the short story, Bradbury writes, "The house stood alone in a city of rubble and ashes" (Bradbury 1). The quote contributes to the tone of the story because it shows despair and sadness. …show more content…
Bradbury shows the setting when he writes, "Sometimes he would walk for hours and miles and return only midnight to his house "(Bradbury 96). The setting contributes to the depressing tone in the story because he walks alone in the middle of the night, which shows loneliness. The theme is demonstrated because everyone is at home watching TV or using technology instead of going outside and exploring the world. This shows how mankind is destroying itself because humans aren't even living , they are just stuck to the television, with no human activity. Bradbury depicts the setting in the following quote, "In ten year of walking by night or day, for thousands of miles, he had never met another person walking, not one in all that time" (Bradbury 98). The negative tone is shown in the setting because it shows loneliness. Mr.Mead hasn't interacted and hasn't seen humans in 10 years. He doesn't have anyone because everyone is glued to the television or technology. The setting helps convey the theme because humans aren't interacting with each other,instead they are just waiting to see what's going to happen next in the TV show or to see what someone posted on there social media. Humans don't think if they watch tv all day everyday. Technology will led to the destruction of humans because humans won't be able to explore the world and not appreciate life because they are too focused on technology. Therefore, Bradbury uses the theme to unravel the tone and theme of the