ending of the 2nd World War, not just because it is Australian, but because it also conveys a form of…
Compare the ways poets present relationships in ‘Les Grands Seigneurs’ and in one other poem from Character and Voice…
Immediately Browning titles the story with a hint that suggests the story will describe ownership of one of many Duchess'. It also suggests through the name 'Duchess' that it is coming from a royal background rather than simply saying 'woman' or 'wife'. The story is about a Duke who decides to remove his wife from his life out of paranoia and jealousy, by murdering her. Browning is the writer and the listener, the Duke is the speaker and the story is told in a dramatic monologe. Another device I noticed is that Browning uses enjambment, this gives the poem rhythm and flow.…
“That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall” (1), permits us to understand that something has happened to his Duchess. Is she dead or was marriage not meant to last forever? The portrait of the Duchess is painted by Fra Pandolf and located on the wall of his private gallery. In “My Last Duchess,” the Duke shows a visitor a painting of his last wife, but the visitor comments that he doesn’t understand her expression or blush. We don’t get a sense of what setting the Duchess is in, what she’s wearing, or what the color scheme or brushstrokes are. “And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, / How such a glance came there.” (11-13) In these few lines, we are able to comprehend that his gallery is very private, and the question of what the consequences could be if someone broke the rules is introduced. Was that why his Duchess was now his last Duchess?…
My last duchess is a dramatic monologue where you explore the character of the Duke and his late wife. In the monologue you start to acknowledge the fact that perhaps the Duke himself has murdered his own wife because he was jealous. The title of the monologue is called ‘My…
It is immediately obvious that the men in both poems are violent and murderous; in 'My Last Duchess' the man “gave commands” so “all smiles stopped together”, implying that he ordered his wife to be killed. The fact that commands were given for this to happen shows he considered his actions beforehand, and still decided to go ahead with the murder of his wife. The crime of his wife was to flirt with other men, a small crime for such a huge, permanent punishment. Her pleasure in flirting with other men is shown by the “spot of joy” which she called up, the the Duke's view of this his made clear through the use of the noun “spot”, which connotes a blemish, a mark on her otherwise good character, and something disgusting which the Duke does not like.…
There are numerous amounts of double meanings that come to mind, when analysing ‘My last duchess’. For example, the Duke states, ‘I gave commands and all smiles stopped together’ This quote means that the Duke has arranged for assassins, to have the duchess murdered, therefore, all of her smiles physically would have stopped. The other meaning for this quote is that the Duke gave orders, to murder the duchess; as a result, everyone around the duchess, such as family and friends, stopped…
For me personally a text that has had a profound effect upon my understanding of the global village is the film The Castle. The Castle’s explores highly relevant issues like the rights of individuals in the globalised world and the egalitarian nature of Australian society. Both of these issues are discussed in the scene at the High Court. During this scene…
References: Browning, Robert. “My Last Duchess,” Literature and its Writers. Ed. Ann Charters, Samuel Charters. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2010. 795. Print.…
A second dramatic monologue by Robert Browning presents the difficulties of love in the same way as ‘The Laboratory’ in the extent to which it shows the obsessive madness of the speaker. In ‘My Last Duchess’ the speaker is male, he is the Duke of Ferrara and throughout the poem (as he is showing an emissary around his palace) he goes on a relentless diatribe about his…
Robert Browning’s “ My last Duchess,” is not a romantic love story about the sudden death of a Duke’s wife. Instead it’s about an insecure and psychotic Duke who feels entitled to everything including his wife and kills her. Browning explores the mind of a lunatic and presenting his audience how men with power can basically get away with almost anything. he analyses issues of feminism, domestic violence, and a disorderly structure of Victorian society through his work in “My Last Duchess.”…
Louise Glück poem "Widows" was based on a child's point of view on how they saw their mother. The reading starts out as explaining the lifestyle that the grandmother raised all of her daughters and some of the expectations she expected. The grandmother taught all of her kids how to play card games, especially during the hot summer days. But on this particular day, the author described the mother as being "weary" (p. 1285). The mother lost her husband around the same time last year, and she is taking the summer time a little hard.…
“My Last Duchess” is told in first person with the narrator being a participant in the story. A painting of an ex-wife influences the narrator to tell the narratee of his ex-wife. As the narrator discusses the painting of his wife, he paints a picture of the woman for the reader. This gives the reader insight into the narrator’s emotions. What we know about the narrator is that he is a wealthy duke about to get remarried. By the duke’s tone of voice and choice of words when he rants on about the painting of his last duchess, the reader also can assume that duke’s jealously has driven him to murder his last wife. For example, the duke states “Oh, sir, she smiled, no doubt, Whene’er I passed her; but who passed without Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together. There she stands As if alive.”(Browning 418). This point of view and how the story is told is interesting and shapes the story. As the duke ponders and speaks of the painting it is as if his emotions of love, jealously, and anger are provoked just as if she was still there. Also, this point of view allows the narrator too slowly, and maybe accidently, revile his madness to the reader and the narratee. What motivates the narrator to tell the story is unknown. We know that the narratee is associated with the narrator’s soon to be wife, so we have to wonder why the duke is…
Year 10 Curriculum Map – English Language/Literature Half Term 1 Controlled Assessment – Poetry/Macbeth Task: ‘Explore the ways a disturbed character is presented in Browning’s Monologues and ‘Macbeth’’ Focus: Reading and close analysis of two from the following poems: Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’/’The Laboratory’/ ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ Planning of controlled assessment for the poetry section Begin reading ‘Macbeth’. See Half Term 2. Half Term 3 Controlled Assessment – Creative Writing – Re-creations Task: ‘Write a monologue for a character from a literary text you have read. Choose either a Lady Macbeth/Macduff or (if completed in Half Term 2) ‘And the Oscar goes to…’ Write an article about a film you think deserves an award.’ Exam Prep – Response…
In My Last Duchess, the Duke is portrayed as a jealous and insecure man who hides behind his power. While jealousy is an emotion which can sometimes be seen as a good thing in the context of a relationship, the Duke is an example of how too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. The Duke feels troubled on how his wife was, apparently, “too soon made glad” and while it is evident that the Duchess was simply a kind natured woman; the Duke’s alleges her actions as wrong or even promiscuous because the Duke feels only he can discriminate what is good or not. His lack of morality is shown when he begins to criticize the Duchess’ lack of discrimination and even deems the “dropping of the daylight in the West” – a gift from God- as less important than his gift. The intensity of his jealousy is also disturbing because of the disastrous results it leads to and how casual the Duke is and his attempted kindness towards the messenger. It is after the Duchess’ death that he then appreciates her but only once she is the subject of a piece of art and his celebratory approach to her death is, to the reader, alarming. When he talks about a piece of art he owns, “Notice Neptune, though, taming a sea-horse”, he implies that taming a woman is like taming a sea-horse, while implying that a woman is one that has to be controlled which shows his immoral misogynistic nature. However, at the time period that this poem was set, art was much appreciated, women were relatively powerless, and violence and murder was not uncommon and the Duke’s act of murdering his wife in order to gain a new one may be seen as expected though not in present times. His rule of “money first, woman later” when he speaks of the Count’s “known munificence” reveals more of the Duke’s indecency and his lack of change at the end of the poem.…