Rosalie E. Vento
Composition II: ENG 102
Baker College
Author and former attorney, Susan Cain speaks on behalf of introverts, for the empowerment of introverts, as an introvert herself. Cain 's speech given on the TED2012 stage, titled, An introverted call to action, addresses concerns and offers solutions to what she considers problems faced by introverts in western society. Cain’s main argument states that introverts are frequently deemed less valuable in workplace and classroom settings, in part, due to their inherent aversion to increased social stimulation; whereas, extroverts, who crave this stimulation are considered ideal employees. Cain asserts that society’s idea of extroverts being absolute because of their naturally outgoing nature and their predilection toward group-work, unfairly gives them the advantage over introverts in settings such as the workplace. Cain insists introverts ultimately have the same, if not more potential to achieve success, they just possess an affinity towards independent studies and are noticeably more shy by nature, which should not discredit their value to society or leadership capabilities. Cain recognizes the need for a balance of people from both ends of the spectrum to cultivate a creative and successful society, and is not campaigning against extroverts. She is simply imploring Americans to stop adhering to the habits primarily displayed by extroverts in today 's workplaces. Stating that, by allowing introverts to comfortably work within their zone of stimulation without judgment, and likewise allowing extroverts to do the same, we create an environment where every individual can maximize their creative talents. (Cain,2012) Cain uses a multitude of rhetorical devices to effectively persuade her audience that introverts are an integral asset to society and they should be empowered not repressed. Starting with the introduction of the speech and
References: Adam Grant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2014, January). Retrieved November 4, 2014, from Black, C. (2011, February 14). Ratio of Introverts. Retrieved from Cain, S. (2012, February). Susan Cain: The power of introverts | Talk Video | Retrieved from Napa Group, LLC. (2013). Give and Take :: Home. Retrieved from