of Education. The case ended up making it all the way to the supreme court where
they ruled that there should be no segregation within schools But a lot of southern
states did agree with this law at all and they felt it shouldn’t be in effect because they
thought things were perfect the way they were before.
The southern states tried to get around this law by using different tactics such as
closing down the school or telling the government that they simply just needed more
time. Eventually the government got wind of this and forced the schools to segregate
by either placing children of color directly into the schools with the backing of police …show more content…
Once the schools officially segregated everything changed the way we saw the world
changed people weren’t afraid anymore . once this law was put in effect it was like a
domino effect for other laws to follow and soon everything as we know it became
unsegregated like the bus system, restaurants and even our job laws.
The whole point of this paper was to talk about how if it wasn’t for this one law being put
into place our whole country wouldn’t of changed into the country we now know today
we would have still been stuck in the past but the brown law sprung us forward. But The most
Important part that i took away from this paper was that the Brown vs The Board Of Education is
still a relevant case today and the meaning behind the whole case still matters