Cole, Tyler, and our faculty adviser, Dr. Andy Hansen decided that we, as a club, would have a cookout on the Tuck and a learning session for the newcomers to the sport on the fourth. In the days leading up to the fourth I became more and more nervous for a myriad of reasons, the biggest was because I was worried about judgment from my peers. Before I knew it, the big day was here, we made our way to Dillard road, where we were meeting, to find a few of the members standing around. The socializing really helped calm my nerves, everyone was friendly and very easy to get along with, which are my type of people. Soon enough the cookout was over and many of us paired with some of the more conditioned fishermen to teach us the best ways to fish. I made my way down the river with Tyler and three others to a spot that I’d like to call a “honey hole” where there were about fifteen fish in a small area. As Tyler put one of us on a fish he would bring another one of us in to try our hand. Soon after, my turn came around and for the life of me I could not keep a fish on the line long enough to land it. Suddenly, everything changed. I got my hit, I kept the pressure, and I landed my first trout with a fly-rod, it was by no means impressive in size, but I was so proud of that rainbow-colored fish. Ever since then I can no longer wait until I can get back in the water to catch an even larger sized and quantity of
Cole, Tyler, and our faculty adviser, Dr. Andy Hansen decided that we, as a club, would have a cookout on the Tuck and a learning session for the newcomers to the sport on the fourth. In the days leading up to the fourth I became more and more nervous for a myriad of reasons, the biggest was because I was worried about judgment from my peers. Before I knew it, the big day was here, we made our way to Dillard road, where we were meeting, to find a few of the members standing around. The socializing really helped calm my nerves, everyone was friendly and very easy to get along with, which are my type of people. Soon enough the cookout was over and many of us paired with some of the more conditioned fishermen to teach us the best ways to fish. I made my way down the river with Tyler and three others to a spot that I’d like to call a “honey hole” where there were about fifteen fish in a small area. As Tyler put one of us on a fish he would bring another one of us in to try our hand. Soon after, my turn came around and for the life of me I could not keep a fish on the line long enough to land it. Suddenly, everything changed. I got my hit, I kept the pressure, and I landed my first trout with a fly-rod, it was by no means impressive in size, but I was so proud of that rainbow-colored fish. Ever since then I can no longer wait until I can get back in the water to catch an even larger sized and quantity of