Hardy has been described as “very dark and morbid”. Discuss with reference to three poems. “To me the universe was all void of Life, of purpose, of volition, even of hostility, it was one huge, dead, immeasurable, Steam- Engine rolling on, in its dead indifference, to grind me limb from limb”, was posited by Carlyle, and affirmed by Thomas Hardy. Hardy’s poems are generally perceived to be pessimistic and cynical in nature, wherein the existence of humans on earth by a supposed Divine authority is criticized and condemned. Several of his poems, in particular, the Wessex collections highlight and illustrate Hardy’s dark and morbid perception of the world. These include “Hap”, “God’s Education” and “To An Unborn Pauper Child”, which all indicates Hardy’s view that the world was out to kill humans. “Hap” is identified as a Petreachan Sonnet which is pervaded with hopelessness, disappointment, depression, sorrow, despair and death. These thematic issues within themselves are reflective of the “dark” and “morbid” elements of the sonnet, as Hardy reveals his feeling of what life has become for him. Hardy commented that “people say I am almost morbidly imaginative”. In other words issues explored in poems such as “Hap” are not typical human problems, but those which are thought to be as Blackmur puts it “obsessions, undisciplined compulsions and specious particularities”. As such the introductory line of the poem opens with the raw bitterness and anger felt by Hardy as he questions spirituality and its relevance or lack thereof to the existence of man. Hardy’s reference to the “vengeful God” who seemingly benefits from mere mortal displeasure is a thought that lends itself to morbidity, as the perceived omnipotent but king God, suffice to say deliberately influenced the woman (Emma) to leave Hardy. Hardy’s” sorrow is [the Gods] my ecstasy” as his suffering intensifies it seems almost believable that God in truth and in fact induced Hardy’s suffering. However,
Hardy has been described as “very dark and morbid”. Discuss with reference to three poems. “To me the universe was all void of Life, of purpose, of volition, even of hostility, it was one huge, dead, immeasurable, Steam- Engine rolling on, in its dead indifference, to grind me limb from limb”, was posited by Carlyle, and affirmed by Thomas Hardy. Hardy’s poems are generally perceived to be pessimistic and cynical in nature, wherein the existence of humans on earth by a supposed Divine authority is criticized and condemned. Several of his poems, in particular, the Wessex collections highlight and illustrate Hardy’s dark and morbid perception of the world. These include “Hap”, “God’s Education” and “To An Unborn Pauper Child”, which all indicates Hardy’s view that the world was out to kill humans. “Hap” is identified as a Petreachan Sonnet which is pervaded with hopelessness, disappointment, depression, sorrow, despair and death. These thematic issues within themselves are reflective of the “dark” and “morbid” elements of the sonnet, as Hardy reveals his feeling of what life has become for him. Hardy commented that “people say I am almost morbidly imaginative”. In other words issues explored in poems such as “Hap” are not typical human problems, but those which are thought to be as Blackmur puts it “obsessions, undisciplined compulsions and specious particularities”. As such the introductory line of the poem opens with the raw bitterness and anger felt by Hardy as he questions spirituality and its relevance or lack thereof to the existence of man. Hardy’s reference to the “vengeful God” who seemingly benefits from mere mortal displeasure is a thought that lends itself to morbidity, as the perceived omnipotent but king God, suffice to say deliberately influenced the woman (Emma) to leave Hardy. Hardy’s” sorrow is [the Gods] my ecstasy” as his suffering intensifies it seems almost believable that God in truth and in fact induced Hardy’s suffering. However,