White made a statement that said, “the schoolroom is no place for surface work.” (White, 2000, p. 172). I think this quote nicely sums up what White was trying to get across in her book, True Education. The point being, that educators should make sure to do their part in identifying areas that they are not as well versed in and taking action to learn a little bit more about these areas, so that they can answer students’ questions or even teach the subject at hand. Educators should also be willing to use several different teaching tactics, including ones that are fun and active, that will more than likely lead to joy in the classroom. Lastly, educators should work with parents without taking the parent’s
White made a statement that said, “the schoolroom is no place for surface work.” (White, 2000, p. 172). I think this quote nicely sums up what White was trying to get across in her book, True Education. The point being, that educators should make sure to do their part in identifying areas that they are not as well versed in and taking action to learn a little bit more about these areas, so that they can answer students’ questions or even teach the subject at hand. Educators should also be willing to use several different teaching tactics, including ones that are fun and active, that will more than likely lead to joy in the classroom. Lastly, educators should work with parents without taking the parent’s