In the current age of hustle and bustle everyone needs to work for their survival. Nowadays it’s became common for family, in our society, to independent their children and helped them find their way in life. In the early years of the adulthood, it is found that people face high level of burden, in fact so much things are going one such as: to finish their schools, get admission in the university, be ready for graduation, etc…. It is even common this days that good student get scholarship and other kind of financial aid while other try to find their way out of university, therefore they need to work to fulfill their living and education expenditures. It is in this optic that ‘the vastness of the darkness’ by Alistair Macleod, ‘complexion’ by Richard Rodriguez, and ‘MacDonald’s: We do it all for you’ by Barbara Garson, is about the work load, work ethics and different phenomena that are resulted due to the working environment. Garson stated that about 8 million Americans work in the McDonald’s, which is equal to 7 percent of the American labor force (Garson). Consequently the focus of this essay will be on the depression caused by the work load, family and social behavior on the adults. …show more content…
These consequences may threaten to subvert the human reality by humiliating its higher values and social norms. In some of the given stories, the intimidation is so pervasive and powerful that the knowledge borders briefly on pessimism for the characters involved. It is evident that the understanding of how much the human body can be harmed by natural causes is ubiquitous and not only in the frequent sight or memory of blood, gnarled hands and scars. An explosion of mine can disappear men, and with them the enigmatic of human