While surfing the web, we unintentionally get distracted. The multitude of hyperlinks and pop-ups are neverending. Designed to deter us from our original route, the Internet is a powerful force in which it can ‘aid human activity’ but also ‘reshape that activity and its meaning’ (47). Rather than help us, the Internet distracts us. Through a series of studies, the Internet proves to ‘limit rather than enhance’ (130) the intake of …show more content…
The Internet has short circuited our brains by conditioning them to only commit fragmented attention to articles and stories which has grown to encompass much more. The Internet has also weakened our neurological connections by attributing human like features to cold-hearted machines. We gullibly believe that the Internet has overall allowed us to become smarter and better at the tasks we do, but it is only because of its helpfulness do we agree. Nevertheless, as we begin to play into the Internet's hands more and more, we succumb to its power by relinquishing our mental and emotional