
Analysis Of Who Me? A One Percenter? By Robert Frank

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Analysis Of Who Me? A One Percenter? By Robert Frank
In the article, “Who Me? A One Percenter?” written by Robert Frank, he explains how one percenters have difficulty defining themselves as the one percent. Mr. Frank also states “A new study that the vast majority of people earning more than $250,000 a year say they are not in the One Percent.” According to the Mendelsohn Affluent Barometer, Americans assume they’re in the top twenty percent but actually rank in the top 3 percent or higher. Another fact upon the barometer is that the term “ultra affluents” is what the 3 percenters are named as a group. Then there are those with an income of $343,000 annually which make up the one percent. Some of these people deny the fact that they are one percenters because they compare themselves to famous

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