states mostly the wrongs of the people directly involved and also those who were not. In his book, Why We Can’t Wait, he says, ‘“The conservatives who say, ‘Let us not move so fast,’ and the extremists who say, ‘Let us go out and whip the world,’ would tell you that they are as far apart as the poles. But there is a striking parallel: They accomplish nothing; for they do not reach the people who have a crying need to be free.”’ (Page, 37). This passage brings out both sides of the fence, critically stating how both views are in the wrong and that because of this people are suffering. This is the main objective of Martin Luther King Jr.’s book, to say that when two views refuse to compromise, there is more harm done than good. In this case, the people at bay for the nations stubbornness, was the Negro …show more content…
King says, “A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.” (Page 142). This statement portrays how the efforts made by the American people can’t be made like those in the past. Again due to how conservatives felt about change, but also because in Martin Luther King Jr’s eyes, violence would only stigmatize the African American community. Therefore, the only true solution would be to have a movement that could effectively change the people, and the institutions governing these people, or else they would be in a never ending battle between two