Trans. by John Balcom
Sitting on this side of the mountain, far away
Faint cries are heard from the valley below
I am awakened from a beautiful dream
Of a simple life
By the sound of rain
Making my way to the valley floor
I discover a weeping orchid I realize
As I reach to soothe it, that this flower
Is the sound of rain crying
From days gone by
________________________________________________________________Taking Notes
12 Sitting on this side of the mountain, far away
10 Faint cries are heard from the valley below
12 I am awakened from a beautiful dream
5 Of a simple life
5 By the sound of rain
9 Making my way to the valley floor
13 I discover a weeping orchid I realize
10 As I reach to soothe it, that this flower
7 Is the sound of rain crying
4 From days gone by
Faint cries… from the valley below?
Awakened from a beautiful dream?
Is the persona a rich or a simple person?
Is there such thing as ‘weeping orchid’?
How did it turn out that the ‘weeping orchid’ is the sound of the rain crying? Could it be that the persona is only dreaming or a reality that he truly experienced?
How does the setting relate to or affect the purpose or meaning of the poem?
Summary: The persona might be realizing and imagining things because of the rain. He might be a well-known or a rich person that is dreaming to have a simple life. As a result, the persona takes time to see things in a simple word from listening to rain.
Free writing: I wonder what is the true setting of the poem because it’s quite confusing by the second line, “Faint cries are heard from the valley below” although the persona states that he is sitting on the side of the mountain. Sometimes, I think that the persona might be flying because he heard the sound of the rain from the valley ‘below’. Also, the words ‘weeping orchid’ intrigue me to continue analysing this poem.
Brainstorming and Listing:
“weeping orchid”
Cleah: The persona did not touch it