sacrifice someone for other, because there a lots of different way to survive in an emergency situations. If we apply Rand’s ideas in an emergency situation, then it will only make things even worst. There are no benefits for anyone, because everyone is living in danger when it is an emergency situation.
Essay on Rand’s Ideas Today’s moral environment, Rand’s ideas of the ethnics of emergencies can’t be seen very often.
Rand’s ideas are not really suitable, and necessary to apply on any emergency situation in the society today. The reason is most emergency situation only last for a short period of time, and there are always have a better way to survive in an emergency instead of sacrificing ourselves or others. In an emergency situation, people mostly think about how to cooperate and survive together, and that’s how is human nature running today. The essay of the ethnics of emergencies, Rand’s ideas are too extreme in the moral environment today. If people follow Rand’s ideas, then there will be a lot of unnecessary killing and sacrificing when thing happens. It is not the only way to handle an emergency, and we can still survive if people willing to cooperate. During emergency everyone is in danger, and there is no point to make an even worst situation which is killing others or sacrificing ourselves to survive. If that’s the case, once we get into an emergency in order to survive is either kill someone or be killed by someone. That’s not how things work today in the world or
society. An emergency situation always happens around the world, but you won’t see Rand’s ideas about the needs of sacrificing ourselves or other to survive have applied on any of them at all. That’s mostly because the moral educations in the society changed the moral standards of the human. Just like killing or murder is wrong, and should not commit it.
For example, people have blocked in a building for few days without any supplies because of earthquake. They would rather eat and drink their excrement, instead of killing others and eat them. Of course there are some exception, but that’s what usually happens nowadays when an emergency situation like that. If you choose to use the ideas of Rand, that’s making it worst, and it is unnecessary. That’s because in most case the rescue team should able to locate you in anytime soon with the technologies today.
Today, the moral education changed the moral standards of human being. In order to survive in an emergency situation, it is unnecessary to sacrifice someone or yourselves. That’s because our moral standards tell us, it is an amoral action to end someone’s life and we shouldn’t commit it in any situation. When people argue about the moral issues and standards, they always applied it on how to survive in an emergency situation. However, it is better to argue about how to prevent emergency situation instead of how to kill someone to survive in the emergency. An emergency happens a lot, but some of them we can prevent it, and some we can’t. When we talks about human life it is always an emergency, but how to handle or survive is all about your moral standards.