The commencement of Goodman Brown's archetypal quest demonstrates the beginning of a journey that may lead to jeopardy and Goodman Brown's loss of innocence. This quote from the beginning of the narrative is an example of Hawthorne's threshold motif, "Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street at Salem Village; but put his head back, after crossing the threshold, to exchange a parting kiss with his young wife" (Hawthorne 1). Goodman Brown is about to start a journey from his house, which represents safety, into the streets of Salem, which symbolize danger; also, it shows that Brown's faith is on the line because he steps into danger then back to safety to kiss his wife, "Faith," and then steps back to danger. His wife's name is Faith; so, she represents Brown's faith, and she wears pink ribbons, which represent innocence. Since Goodman Brown is leaving his wife, it shows that he is going to lose his innocence sometime during his archetypal journey. Another threshold motif is when Goodman Brown enters the forest, which will ultimately lead to loss of innocence.
While in the forest Brown faces metaphorical monsters that challenge his principles and beliefs. The main figure that Goodman Brown confronts