This could be used to heal oneself, heal another person, or even to help a situation. The use of imagery is an expanded type of visualization whereby other senses, in addition to vision, are brought into play in order to imagine a possibility. A mini-vacation is a stress management technique where one imagines the perfect vacation that is both enjoyable and stress free. Some people benefit a great deal from this brief experience, where luggage does not get lost, no one gets sick, and flights are not delayed.
Mindfulness is a practice in which one is alert and fully aware of the reality in the present moment. This can lead to calmness in one’s daily life.
Affirmations are positive statements voiced in the present tense for the purpose of achieving goals and self empowerment. A few examples include: I am getting healthier each day; I can heal this illness; I am attracting positive healthy people into my life.
Perhaps the best affirmation I have ever heard came from my friend Rebecca:
I am a brilliant reflection of the vibrant energies of the …show more content…
Herbs, crystals, homeopathy, and healing sounds are other examples of approaches that use the effect of vibrations to create healing. Humor, laughter, dance, pets, music, and letting go are also beneficial. Personalized rituals can be a way of marking a choice such as starting an exercise program, or celebrating a success, like giving up an addiction. Personalizing the ritual means you can create a new, healthy way to celebrate. The ritual could be a private event that includes a walk in nature, a hot bath, a spa day. A group activity might involve playing music, a talking circle, a healthy food potluck dinner, or a