Millions of American families are stuck below the poverty line despite working full time, passing a higher minimum wage will ensure that anyone working full time can support a family and make ends meet. A minimum wage will help close the wealth gap between rich and poor families thereby further reducing poverty. A new paper by an Associate professor of economics Arindrajit Dube, titled “Minimum Wages and the Distribution of Family”. Highlights the direct correlation between increasing the minimum wage and reducing the number of people living in poverty, for example increasing the minimum wage by 10 percent would reduce the number of those living in poverty by 2.4 percent, Quoting a Washington Pose article “Using this as an estimate, raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, as many Democrats are proposing in 2014, would reduce the number of people living in poverty by 4.6 million. It would also boost the incomes of those at the 10th percentile by $1,700.” (Mike Konczal, 2014), raising the minimum wage will not only benefit those living in poverty but also compliments government policies used to help those in poverty at no …show more content…
So what do these policies and arguments mean and why should Americans be concerned, because if they are not concerned then who should be no one but hardworking Americans payed the price during the 2008 financial crisis those who caused it left it for the Americans people to bail them out using their tax payer money, money that was supposed to be spent for their benefit instead used to clean someone else’s mess, greed has gone too far the time has come to give hard working higher wages because they deserve it, give poor students access to free post-secondary education because they deserve a fair and equal opportunity to succeed like the rest of us. Personal actions through my exploration of this topic is to be more aware of the injustices taking place in the economy and fight for those who work hard and to reject greed because nothing good ever comes from