The Love Canal disaster as a whole is quite ironic, because it was originally intended to be a dream community, however it turned out to be one of history’s most famous human caused environmental disasters.
The vision of the dream community belonged to William T. Love. He believed that digging a canal between the upper and lower Niagara Rivers could cheaply generate hydroelectric power; by energy being diverted through the tunnel, turning turbines. Also, shipping concerns could bring commerce to the city. …show more content…
In 1870 fluctuations in the economy, and the discovery of alternating currents caused Love’s plan to be abandoned.
After the dream of a model city was crushed, in 1920 the canal was turned into a municipal and industrial chemical dump. The concept of landfills, which are sites for the disposal of waste materials by burial is environmentally acceptable. However, landfills must be properly sited, and regulated, because in some situations they could cause disasters like that of Love Canal. Therefore, The Love Canal portrays the perfect example of hot to not run such operations.
The abandoned canal project that branched off Niagara River was bought, and used as a toxic waste dump by Hooker Chemical Company. After dumping and capping 21,000 Tons of toxic waste, the landfill was sold for a dollar, and the property deed included a