Logan’s article is mostly focused on the 2012 to 2013 year at Walmart and all the events that occurred in that time frame.
The first strike in Walmart’s history according to the article happened in September and October in 2012. The biggest strike the article mentioned in that year was a twenty-four-hour strike in Las Angeles. This year also focused on the abuse that goes on in Walmart’s supply chain, this article focuses on C.J.’s seafood in Louisiana. According to the article the incident happened in June of 2012 when the Worker Rights Consortium noted that C.J.’s had been working their employee’s twenty-four-hour shifts and payed then 40 percent below the legal minimum
wage. Both articles talk about the labor in Walmart but Woodman’s article mostly talks about the years between 2000 and 2007 while Logan’s article talks mostly about the 2012 to 2013 years. Logan’s article also gives footnotes showing where he got his information for the article while Woodman’s does not have a list of where he got his sources. Logan’s article seems to be laid out a little better because it has more details about the labor and it just seems to be a more professional paper. Logan is also a professor and he is the director of Labor and Employment Studies at San Francisco State University, so this is a reason his paper has more details about labor because he studies labor (Logan. 29). Woodman’s article is laid out well too, but it does not have as much details as the other article. Woodman is a freelancing writer so he probably does not know as much about labor as Logan, but he could have done research and found out about the different facts. Woodman’s article mostly talks about different stories about labor while Logan tells more about the facts when it comes to labor in Walmart. The articles both talk about the labor at Walmart but each tell different viewpoints and have different opinions about the labor at Walmart. Woodman’s article is mostly about the different stories about the workers in Walmart and how they try and deal with the labor problems. Logan has more data about the different incidents that occur over dealing with the different ways that labor laws were broken by Walmart. Woodman tells a story about a Walmart worker’s that had ovarian cysts and had to have a hysterectomy done, but instead of having it done she lived with it because she was afraid of being let go because she would have to take time off from work. Logan talks about two incidents that occurred at Bangladesh factories where factory workers died in these incidents.