The agricultural revolution that begins in 9000 B.C.E marks the start of new societies with development of settlements and food distribution that requires farmers to implement the use of plows that were pulled by large animals. Some also used wheeled vehicles that was used in the building of roads. One might ask, why roads? Well, roads were
used to get goods and food to far away travelers who are interesting in settlement, trades, or conquest. This agricultural revolution introduced farmers to new and a wide variety of crops and farm animals which is known as “Domestication”. Weather patterns were documented and tracked in order to
This revolution partially stopped how people usually get their food in the Paleolithic Era known as “Foraging”. These people were mostly known as “gatherer-hunters”. They eat mostly plants and their protein comes from gathered or scavenged rather than direct hunting. Paleolithic band of foragers used different implements to survive to include spears, bows and atlatls to shoot projectiles.
Finally, this revolution was changing the way of life for people with the introduction of horticulture and domestication. However, better technological developments could have made this process even better. Having an irrigation system that would allow river water to flow in-land that would allow farming in some remote areas. The possible building of a rail system that would have allow for movement of goods and produce to other towns and cities.
In conclusion, it is easy to accept that during this agricultural revolution, technology wasn’t a main sticking point because it wasn’t there as we have today. However, the implementation of animal operated plows and wheeled vehicle shows that there was knowledge of development that could making farming a little easier. The agricultural revolution, the start of an ear that still exist today.