Why Infidelity is Rising in the United States
Have you ever been cheated on? If you have, then you know it’s one of the most gut-wrenching, emotional pain one can possibly experience. You enter into a relationship with a person whom you love, trust and share compassion with, only to be betrayed by that same person. Betrayed by lies, ill-conceived alibies and stories to cover a trail of emotional deceit. You may have started out thinking that “it will never happen to me”; I’ve met the perfect person, and they would never do that to me. But time and time again the human race has reinforced the idea that nobody is perfect. So what happens when it does happen to you? And it turns from, “it will never happen …show more content…
Depending on who you ask, it could be explained differently. Some may say that infidelity is specifically sexual. Others may argue that having just an emotional relationship with someone else is considered infidelity. In Sarah Harrison’s article, “4 types of Infidelity”, she mentions that it can be broken down into 4 different basic forms: Sexual, Emotional, Object, and Full-Blown Secondary Relationships (Harrison). To clarify what sexual infidelity is, it usually means a one night stand sporadically over time. Object infidelity is the when someone has a more concentrated involvement in something other than the relationship usually work, sports or something along those lines. Full-blown Secondary Relationships speak for themselves in which a person has an equal involvement with another person that possibly could result in two families. And the last one is emotional; “turning to someone else instead of your partner in time of need” (Harrison). Having infidelity broken down into parts, rather than just one type like sexual, it will just add to the likelihood it will happen. Think about it terms of people committing crime. If we all just focused on one type of crime like stealing for example, then the crime rate would be low; however, if we include all types of crime then the rate would rise dramatically. As we focus on emotional infidelity, it is an immense reason why infidelity is growing rapidly in the U.S. We live in the 21st century where access just to talk to someone is just a text message away, and emotional relationships can mature by logging on to website like Facebook regularly and building relationships. Sites like Facebook have forever changed the way we view the social relationship