It is brutal and immoral to kill animals for food while there is a plenty of rich nutritional non-animal food. All animals are warm-blooded beings that have emotion and feeling therefore, they can experience fear, shock, and pain. Animal slaughter is a significant issue. “In the United States about 35 million cows, 115 million pigs, and 9 billion birds are killed for food each year” ( How can so many people want to kill animals just because of their tasty meat? For example, bacon is one of the most common foods that every household has in their refrigerator. They usually have a crispy bacons plate for their dinner, and nobody can deny its delectable taste. But how many people actually know where the bacon comes from? First, the pigs will be delivered to the…
While I already knew that I eat a lot of food, what I did not realize was how much of the food I eat is packaged. In the tables 1 and 2, I put everything that was a local food into a bold font. It was only one item for each week, four brats the first week and three the second. They are from a local meet market, but even they are not very sustainable. Meat is very resource intensive to produce. Many more pounds of grain are fed to the animals to fatten them up than we get in return as meat. According to Lester Brown (2011), 35% of the world’s grain harvest each year goes towards making animal protein. Brown (2011, pg. 173) also states, “With cattle in feedlots, it takes roughly 7 pounds of grain to produce a 1-pound gain in live weight. For…
A problem that I have solved, on a singular level, is my impact on the earth. Caring about the earth and its occupants is something I deeply identify with. And as I have gotten older I have been trying harder to create the smallest carbon foot print possible. Towards the end of eighth grade my science teacher explained the current and future ecological status of the world, this being the first I ever received this information. Though the facts I observed left a feeling of uneasiness, I didn't compose any changes. Although, a year later the animal lover within finally came out, I went vegetarian. A narrow step on a path to a healthier planet. I remember in this time I felt terribly guilty and wrong for contributing to such terrible things: death, disease, torture, and devastation.…
No big deal, right? [pause] So one might still ask the question, whats wrong with Meatless Monday?…
Living in the heart of the western American mountains, meat plays a big role in the generic lifestyle. Many families obtain their meats through recreational hunting, and fishing. Turning twelve in our community means that, you can now get your hunting license and go out with dad every weekend starting in September. It is safe to say that more than the majority of the families that live within the Bitterroot Valley consume a high percentage of meat, every day, for nutritional benefits as well as personal preference. It is the generic ‘western American’ thing to do, sit down with the family on a Sunday afternoon, say grace and eat a burger. One of the biggest holidays around, Thanksgiving, revolves around the harvesting, and consumption of meat. However there is another lifestyle that I feel is important to consider. If I could make a change in my community, big or small, I would choose to provide more vegetarian and vegan options for families to work into their lifestyles.…
Is it possible to respect the rights of animals and eat them for dinner too? According to animal equality website, with the exception of fish, “over 56 billion farmed animals are slaughtered every year by humans.” Tom Regan writes in The Case for Animal Rights, what’s “fundamentally wrong with the way animals are treated” [….] “is the system that allows us to view animals as our resources, here for us — to be eaten, or surgically manipulated, or exploited for sport or money.” (Regan 13) With this harsh reality in mind, Regan calls for a total abolition of the use of animals in science, commercial animal agriculture, and commercial sport hunting and trapping.…
From pollution and climate change to protection against major diseases, such as Cancer, Type II Diabetes, and Obesity, all of them major concerns in the 21st century(Curfman, 2009). Trying to find a cure in medicine and not succeeding, well what if medicine is the wrong way to go when trying to find cures ? Mother nature has the ability to give us all kinds of cures, it’s been used for thousands of years for healing and relieving our suffering. Even with all of the advances in 21st century medicine and knowledge, we still have all these problems in the world(Strumillo). However, we as a community have the power in our hands to change and reduce all of our world problems. Most of our health problems come from how our diets have become so poor in nutrients and quality. When walking in a fast food…
What differentiates humans from animals is when it comes to mating some animals only mate to have offspring, which at this day and age for humans is not so true. Many people in America, have the ability to eat whatever, whenever; most animals do not eat just for fun or out of boredom, they eat to stay alive. If the animal is a pet it can be different because owners can feed them too much causing them to become…
“We need to start looking harder at the science of weight loss and admit our limitations. And then we need to get on with the business of helping people build healthful habits and good relationships with food.”…
Humans also use tons of animal products. We consume 968 pints of milk in one year. 2 ½ tons of beef, 1,223 chickens and 176 billion eggs are consumed in a year. 266,000,000 turkeys are eaten at Thanksgiving. We consume 9,917 lbs. worth of potatoes, 55 loaves in a year, 129 hamburger buns, 14,518 candy bars, 1,056 lbs. of sugar, 5,067 bananas, and 700,000 gallons of water.…
In My Year of Meats, Ruth Ozeki portrays Jane Takagi Little as an unwavering light which reveals the veracity of the many intertwined and diverse people in the world. Jane’s crusade as a bona fide documentarian for an American meat show, My American Wife!, uncovers the many hidden implications of the American culture that affect the views of Japanese culture. In a small, yet significant flashback, Jane evokes a memory from her life as a young twelve-year-old at the Quam Public Library in which she reads a section from Frye’s Grammar School Geography, an old and outdated geography book, titled, “The Races of Men”. By tactfully employing stylistic devices such as including a diction that differentiates Jane’s thoughts regarding her ideals of…
The vegan diet is becoming more and more popular as an ever-increasing number of high-profile celebrities, including film stars, sports stars and even politicians (for example, ex-US president Bill Clinton) "go vegan".…
The human that is consuming that animal will be eating whatever that animal ate so if the animal has a poor diet and does not get enough nutrients then neither does the human. According to ADAPTT, more than 150 billion animals are killed each year by the meat, egg and dairy industries. When meat…
According to American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada about 2,5% of adults in the USA follow the vegetarian diets (4,7 millions people) from the book Vegetarianism.…
To say till what extent a vegetarian diet is healthy. First of all need to understand what vegetarian diet is and what is mean to be healthy. Among the areas of non-traditional food, vegetarian diet is one of the oldest and most common. Vegetarianism - is an ancient healing nutrition system, which has a deep philosophical meaning, and assuming certain lifestyle. Healthy means - a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. However, to adhere vegetarian diet have both positive and negative sides. Mainly, vegetarian diet negatively affect oldest people. Firstly, how healthy vegetarian diet is depends only on the scale of vegetarianism. Vegetarians refusing meat and all animals products, are highly at risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency, especially additives are necessary for females during pregnancy and for child of vegans. On the other hand, lacto-ovo-vegetarians have no nutrition risk. They don’t get haem iron from meat, however they compensate it with consumption of non-haem iron from ascorbic acid (Thorogood et al 1994). Generally, refusing to meat, decrease possibility to obtain coronary heart disease, hypertension, obesity and conceivably even some cancers. Secondly, scientific studies have established that people who support vegetarianism are lighter in weight than their meat-eating opponents. The distinction of 1 unit of BMI was found by the EPIC study in the Oxford cohort (Spencer et al 2003). Furthermore, lower BMI decrease rate of type 2 diabetes and gallstones. In opposition, DMI start decrease rapidly over the age 60 in vegetarians and mainly in vegans, which leads to complication to control muscle mass. According to this, old vegans suffer from respiratory disorders which influence high mortality among them. Nonetheless, the positive side of lower BMI shows in younger persons, what helps them in lifestyle move faster…