Journal Title: AHP Application in Banking: Unfolding Utility in a Situation of Financial Crisis
Year: 2009
Author: Shashi Bhattarai, Shivjee Roy Yadav
Resource: Development Dynamics Pvt. Ltd, Nepal Industrial Development Corporation
Problem Addressed & Finding:
Paper is focus on explore and demonstrate utility of AHP application as decision support tool in banking in the situation of global financial crisis. AHP is used for controlling application of finance, its disbursement and availability in the market.
Future Work:
It is observed that the application of AHP specifically in banking and financing sector is quite rarely since it is a quite new to real life bankers. Hence, there is growing need of AHP/ANP based decision support systems in banking sector.
Journal No: 2
Journal Title: Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process in GIS Application
Year: 2008
Author: M.H. Vahidnia, A. Alesheikh, A. Alimohammadi, A. Bassiri
Resource: Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Eng. K.N.Toosi, University of Technology
Problem Addressed & Finding:
GIS (Geographic Information Systems)-based multicriteria analysis is used in a wide range of decision and management situations with AHP approach. Due to the disregarding of uncertainty in traditional AHP, the fuzzy form of AHP and two known approaches of FAHP means Fuzzy Extent Analysis and α-cut-based method were discussed in this paper along with both advantages.
Future Work:
There is no future work in this paper since it is simply discuss about fuzzy AHP method and their comparison.
Journal No: 3
Journal Title: The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Year: 2004
Author: Geoff Coyle
Resource: Practical Strategy. Open Access Material
Problem Addressed & Finding:
Paper is focus on how to apply AHP approach in real situation and judge it with weakness & strength of AHP.
Future Work:
There is situation where AHP doesn’t work well on it. Hence, solution is needed for such situation.
Journal No: 4