For instance, the quoll, an Australian native species dies when it ingests the poisonous frog ( Kolbert 2014, 207 ). As a consequence, we attempt to restore the population of native species by eliminating invasive ones. Now, her logical criticism is shown indirectly, since she leads us to reason how absurd it is to expect children to go hunting toads, as she informs, “from preschool on, children are enlisted in the control effort” ( Kolbert 2014, 207). It is difficult for me to imagine my four-year-old self hunting toads, since I unable to understand the importance of life and even more, the ethical implications of killing animals; I am not emotionally prepared and still am not. While this might seem as my perspective on the issue, I doubt that any children is both mentally and emotionally prepared to go hunting toads. Moreover, such measurements suggest children that animals have less value than ourselves, even worse, that some animals are indeed more valuable than others. Furthermore, this demonstrates how nonsensical it is to introduce a species that we will ultimately
For instance, the quoll, an Australian native species dies when it ingests the poisonous frog ( Kolbert 2014, 207 ). As a consequence, we attempt to restore the population of native species by eliminating invasive ones. Now, her logical criticism is shown indirectly, since she leads us to reason how absurd it is to expect children to go hunting toads, as she informs, “from preschool on, children are enlisted in the control effort” ( Kolbert 2014, 207). It is difficult for me to imagine my four-year-old self hunting toads, since I unable to understand the importance of life and even more, the ethical implications of killing animals; I am not emotionally prepared and still am not. While this might seem as my perspective on the issue, I doubt that any children is both mentally and emotionally prepared to go hunting toads. Moreover, such measurements suggest children that animals have less value than ourselves, even worse, that some animals are indeed more valuable than others. Furthermore, this demonstrates how nonsensical it is to introduce a species that we will ultimately