The beginning of the poem starts out very depressing, the soldier talks as if they are old men on their death beds. ""Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge"(2), this line implies how miserable the soldier 's are, their sick, weak, and enduring unbearable conditions. They are walking toward their camp, which the poem tells us is quite a distance away. But they are so tired they are sleeping as they walk toward the camp. These men don 't even have sufficient clothing, some have lost their boots and most are covered in blood. "Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots / Of tried, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind"(6-7). This line tells us that these men are so exhausted they have become numb to the war and blood-shed around them. The soldier 's have become numb to the 5.9 inch caliber shells flying by their heads, the bombs bursting behind them, and their fallen comrades body 's lying next to them.…
His enemy had been hit”(O’Flaherty 208). This quote explains how the sniper felt a sense of relief as he pulled the trigger killing his enemy escaping the chance of being killed. Similarly, in the poem, Hardy portrayed the main character as a determined man willing to kill in order to survive. “But ranged as infantry/ And staring face to face/ I shot at him as he at me/ And killed him in my place”(Hardy 5-9). This quote is showing how as the two sides lined up across from each other in battle, he was faced with the decision of whether or not to kill his enemy. Although there were similarities, there were also many differences throughout the plot. For instance, in “The Sniper”, O’Flaherty described how the main character’s curiosity led him to the discovery that he killed his brother. “He wondered did he know him… Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother’s face”…
War poems are made for the people in the present to know more about the war experiences in the past. But these war poems are to recruit young men to become soldiers. Comparing and contrasting the effects of these two poems about the civil war, one is describing how people need the courage to go into war, even though it means you risk your life for the country. The other poem is about the chaos of it all, how soldiers tried their best -- to being scarred from seeing people die. There are many differences and similarities between “Whos for the Game?” and “Dulce et Decorum Est,” but there are so many more meanings to the words than that are shown.…
The War Poems demonstrates a strong correlation between human nature and the nature of war; that although war is intangible, it has the ability to take on human characteristics. This can be observed in 'The Arms and the Boy', where an abrupt and 'malice' transformation takes place. The sultry and seductive tone that embodies the transformation suggests a loss of innocence in the boy as well as a development of a murderous intent. The nature of war which promotes a 'hunger of blood' and a '[famish] for flesh' brings readers to the forefront of war and exposes its unrelenting nature. Moreover, the loss of innocence becomes apparent as the image of 'laughing around an apple' turns to 'blind, blunt, bullet-heads' nuzzling '[into] the hearts of lads'. In presenting a controversial issue in such a way, Owen seeks to uncover the psychological transformation that can be caused by war.…
The Vietnam War was the first war in which the United States Government did not have the support of American citizens. The lack of backing from the inhabitants of America forced the government to draft hundreds of thousands of men into war. Critical author, Andrew Bacevich, condemned the draft as being “as much an object of protest as the conflict itself” because it initiated the start of the Anti-War Movement (1 Bacevich). The movement created a version of society that did not see the men that fought for their country as heroes but rather as killers taking part in a pointless war. When the draftees returned home they were not welcomed with open arms and were left to deal with the emotional trauma they suffered overseas…
In "The Man He Killed," Thomas Hardy demonstrates a sense of disgust for war, by comparing two men, who could have grown up together, and are now fighting against each other for someone else's cause. The speaker, a young man who has served his country and killed an opposing soldier, relates to the man he has killed. This is a closed form style poem with dark undertones of the senselessness of war.…
Bertrand Russell once said, “War does not determine who is right- only who is left”. Throughout the 19th and 20th century, war has ravaged the world’s lands, often solving nothing. But one decent outcome is its creation of numerous noteworthy poets of its time. Poetry has been an outlet for countless stricken heroes of war and witnesses of the brutality of the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars and the War in Vietnam. Stephen Crane, a late 19th century, short-lived writer of Naturalism and Impressionism, shoots images of weeping families in his poem “War Is Kind” (Literature and its Writers, 1063). Randall Jarrell, a poet of the early 19th Century, displays his experiences of life and death in the Air Forces in his poem “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner” (L&W, 1065). In Wilfred Owen’s poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” (L&W, 1064-1065), he paints a grisly…
During the war, Thomas Hardy wrote a few poems. One of those is The Man He Killed. Through out the poem the person speaking is the writer himself. It is easy to suggest as the first line begins with “Had he and I but met”. This quotation shows that Thomas Hardy is talking about his own experience; I know this because it is in the first person. It is suggested that Thomas Hardy is thinking aloud to himself as his thoughts are personal. In the first verse he mentions “Nipperkin”; this straight away tells us that Hardy is a country boy because it’s a Dorset dialect.…
He uses similes to portray the negative affect war had on this soldier’s life and how his life was wasted “like bright oil down a gutter.” Horn also uses a clever play on words when he conveys how the soldier was a “puny chap” but through war “he’s broadened out.” The soldier broadened out not in terms of muscles or character but because he died in the field of combat and was laying there long enough for his body to swell. The theme which is prominent throughout the entire poem is that of death. The poet arouses different emotions in the reader which include anguish and…
Wilfred Owen’s poetry, shaped by an intense focus on extraordinary human experiences, compels us to look more closely at the nature of war.…
“War is the best thing in the world,” said no sane or knowledgeable person, ever. Whatever reasons there are to go to war, such as benefiting or protecting the way of life, the outcome is inevitably devastating. War affects not only the people intimately involved who are in combat, but also civilians who live near the conflict as well as family of the soldiers who may be thousands of miles away. The people who are able to view war as a positive deed have never experienced a second of combat. The poems “The Man He Killed”, “Dulce et Decorum Est”, “Dover Beach”, and “Patterns” each tell a story of helplessness, bitterness, and suffering towards war with few exceptions.…
Firstly, both poems are similar in that they both have a strict rhythm. In ‘Men who march away’, the poem has five seven line stanzas which each stick to the same rhyme scheme: ABBBAAB. He also uses alliteration often to create a steady rhythm (e.g ‘men who march’). Arguably, the obvious reason for this would be to create the rhythm of soldiers marching. In doing this, he creates the stereotypical patriotic image of soldiers marching to war in the early days, crowds cheering them along. It would’ve almost called out to the men, for them to be a part of it. As well as this, marching songs were not only to keep men in time but they were also to raise the spirits of soldiers. This poem has that effect. It presents a more positive outlook on war, disregarding any fears men may have had about going away. Moreover, it might suggest that a life in the army was a very structured and conventional profession for men, it was expected of you. This highlights Hardy’s very positive outlook on war. This was due to the fact that he was part of a group of world war one propaganda poets who wanted to give a positive image of war. Moreover, it was written at the start of the war. People genuinely thought it would be quick, the war would be over by Christmas and it would cause less destruction. The poem reflects this.…
Wilfred Owen successfully creates the truthful and terrifying image of war within his poems. The loss, sacrifice, urgency and pity of war are shown within the themes of his poetry and the use of strong figurative language; sensory imagery and tone contribute to the reader. This enables the reader to appreciate Owen’s comments about the hopelessness of war and the sacrifice the men around him went through within his poems, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est.’ and ‘Futility’.…
Through the repetition and rhymes in the poem, a reader’s attention is drawn towards the dangerous aspects of the battle. Tennyson’s vivid descriptions reveal just how terrifying the scene of war is whether a soldier is in the fight or just examining the field of a battle soon to come. The courage, honor, and loyalty of the everyday soldiers are demonstrated by their fearless charging and their following of orders without question. This poem was written to honor the soldiers of the battle who had their lives cut short through the pettiness and incompetence of their leaders. This soldier’s of this battle were seen as failures in the eyes of their country's inhabitants due to their defeat at the hands of the Russians. If there was more communication and clear directions would there have been a need to have the bravery of soldiers defended through a…
Throughout the poem, Into Battle, the poet, Julian Grenfell uses several techniques to convey his pro-war attitude. In this essay I will look deeper into those techniques and analyse his language use to show how he has done this, through several P.E.E.L paragraphs.…