
Analytical Essay, Why Boys Become Viscious

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Analytical Essay, Why Boys Become Viscious
Analytical Essay

William Golding's article, "Why Boys Become Vicious" is a descriptive account of the negative behavior some boys posses. It describes several instances where boy's behavior can be extremely violent and cruel. In his article Golding also gives reasons for some of these actions and attempts to determine whether deep seeded cruelty is something people are born with, or if it is something people collect throughout their lives. He supports these two possibilities with conditions that could cause issues to arise in boys.

The question that is most important to me is whether people are born with evil inside of them and are waiting for something to expose it. If every person has this cruelty concealed inside of them and certain conditions could reveal it then it would be much more concerning than a person being treated poorly and acquiring viciousness because of it. If everybody could be treated in average to good conditions it would be much less of an issue compared to people born with cruelty inside of them.

William Golding implies that peoples reasons for evil, regardless of whether they were born with cruelty or their situation brought it out is greatly affected by the way they are treated by parents, social situation, fear, and chaos. Fear can be brought out by not having parents, or having parents treat them badly. The issue at stake is children and their upbringing or current situation, effecting and more so flawing their behavior.

People often act in strange ways to certain things. Fear and Chaos can lead to cruelty and violence referring to ones instincts. Children who are confused, scared or have a sudden loss of civility are often led to violence. Boys that are treated poorly by parents may at times channel this fear or anger into other people. Without civility in every day life people will no matter the circumstances go wrong, children in the same case are more easily misled and can be turned away from everything that they good in

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