The equations listed in the concept map represent ways of representing subject matter. Equations are symbolic representations of subject matter which when interpreted correctly can result in conceptual understanding. For example, the equation φ = BA can be used to define magnetic flux as: product of magnetic field strength and the area enclosed by a conductor.
This equation can also be used to identify the …show more content…
The four domains include:
i. Knowledge of context ii. Knowledge of students iii. Subject matter knowledge iv. Pedagogical knowledge,
When combined, these domains produce PCK.
The transformations refer to any visible aspects of teacher knowledge which can be observed during classroom practice. These transformations or also classified as manifestations are:
i. Student’s prior knowledge (including misconceptions) ii. Curricular Saliency iii. What is difficult to teach iv. The use of representations (including analogies)
v. Conceptual teaching strategies.
The understanding that the domains produces PCK and that the manifestations are the products of the domains would therefore imply that the domains can also be regarded as the inputs of PCK and that the manifestations/transformations can be regarded as the outputs or the product(s) of PCK. (Fig.4 – as represented by the orange