In P1 i talked about types of communications used by Tesco and these are Verbal, written, on- screen, web-based, multimedia. In this task I am going to show you the advantages and disadvantages of each type of communication referring it to my chosen company and that is Tesco.
It’s easier to communicate verbally than any other way because you get to understand every detail that is being spoken by the other person. In Tesco customers communicate with the staff members this is an advantage because they get to ask questions if they don’t understand the instructions clearly.
A disadvantage for this type if communication in Tesco is when a language barrier occurs, if one person does not understand the other due to the fact that he or she does not speak English or does not cope with the accent so that will cause a poor communication between the staff member and the customer.
Multimedia is an advantage to Tesco because a large number of people can watch the presentation for example electronic paying tills they can get information if the tills are not working or if there is any discounts or and new system introduced by the organisation.
The disadvantage of this type of communication is that people with disabilities like blind people won’t be able to communicate using this method.
The advantage for this type of communication in Tesco is that one can get all the information from a Tesco leaflet that he or she needs and can verify back to it if he or she did not understand the information clearly. And also a good thing because staff can easily give customers written documents that might be more helpful for people who don’t understand some staff members English accent and etc.
The disadvantage for this Tesco written communication is that ounce you lose the written information that you retrieved from the staff members that will be it unless you go back to the supermarket and ask for other information.
The advantage for this type of communication in Tesco is that customers and staff members are able to access the website anytime anywhere they want or feel like to access it from and it’s easy to use .Another advantage is customers can shop online through the website so that makes it easier for them by not going all the way to the supermarket instead shopping online and the goods are being delivered at your house.
Disadvantage for this type of communication is if maybe Tesco internet system or website is damaged and result to customers not being able to communicate with the company via the website because they won’t have access to it due to the fact that the system has shut down.
Advantage of this type of communication in Tesco is that it attracts more customers through adverts and Broadcast. They get attracted to the funny adverts or interesting ones talking about the products and discounts. They that’s a very good way to communicate with customers
A disadvantage for this type of communication in Tesco is that some customers can’t afford TV or don’t have TV or they don’t listen to the radio so all that will result to not having the right communication between customers and the organisation