Background information/Intro:
Thesis: Both Jacksonian economic policy and westward movement in America were indicative of the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840. It was in this antebellum era that the United States, with economic and sectional changes, made effects to comply democratic politics and make changes should the country’s founding philosophy be led astray.
Nowhere was the democratic ideal depicted in the body of a man than in President Andrew Jackson. Elected as one of the more popular presidents of the early nineteenth century, the people’s choice of Jackson as a man who appealed to the interests and experiences of a cast majority reflected the democratic process on an honest scale. While its beauty and pure form remained generally housed in elections of the time, the democracy employed by Jackson, particularly in his economic politics, should also be viewed as a contribution to its early development in America. The pinnacle of Jackson’s economic dilemma found spiteful ground on the question of what to do about the Bank of the United States. The national bank itself had been established by somewhat democratic in the battle between sound economic standing Hamiltonians and limited government advocating Jeffersonians of the early 1800’s. Jacksonianism, which could be best characterized as Jefferson’s Republicanism thirty years later also, sought to limit the power of the federal government in hopes to secure more involvement of the states, and this the people, in the political process. Jackson held that the bank was not necessary, and that is was, moreover, not needed in a democratic America. Its operation often favored big business interest and stomped out farmers and westerner to who Jackson appealed. Though