
Analyzing Aix Qing's Poem 'Fish Fossil'

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In the poem, “Fish Fossil” by Aix Qing, the speaker is sympathetic towards the fossil. He is reminiscing the time where the fish, “leapt in the foam / And swam in the sea,” (4-5). The speaker admires the life the fish once lived. Then there is a shift at line 5 because the speaker begins to express a sorrowful tone. He tells the fish how, “ Unfortunately, a volcano’s eruption / or perhaps an earthquake / cost you your freedom,” (5-8). In this same stanza, the poet creates an allusion to the event at Pompeii where the entire city was buried under volcanic ash. This reference to a historical event, emphasizes the tragedy that took away the fish’s life. Throughout the rest of the poem the speaker continues to expand on the loss of freedom. The

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