In 1978, Carper introduced four ways of knowing, which have since been used to structure nursing education and to evaluate nursing practice (Zander), In order for nurses to be able to practice they need knowledge and have an understanding of relationships (Berragan, 1998). The knowledge comes from theory which is the ways of knowing. The ways of knowing …show more content…
It is about knowing how to be authentic with others and knowing your own personal style (Zander). Personal knowledge is what is meant by a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship (Fawcett et al 2001). It is developed by one thinking about how they can be authentic, and listening to responses from others, and reflecting on these (Fawcett et al 2001).
The ways of knowing in nursing appear to be straightforward when first looked at, but when looked at in depth the knowledge needed is as complex as the discipline of nursing itself (Zander). In order to gain knowledge one has to be able to learn, and each individual has a special way in which they learn; these are known as learning styles (Zander). Learning styles have been defined as the way in which a person begins to ‘gather, concentrate on, process, internalise, and remember new and difficult academic content’ (Zander).
The learning style theory thinks of the brain as a place that can process information in one of two ways, globally or analytically (Westen et al, 2006, p.181). Global, or right brain learners are holistic learners. They need to understand the whole concept before focusing on details (Zander). Analytical, or left brain learners need to use sequential steps when learning. They need the details before they can begin to understand any information …show more content…
In different situation I will adapt a different learning style in order for me to optimize my learning (Westen et al. 2006, p.181). The way in which I will approach my clinical learning placement this semester will be with self-confidence by being assertive, I will also familiarize myself with technical terminology and jargon so as to be able to involve myself in conversations with other nurses, and to find a mentor by building and maintaining working relationships with staff members and