Lexi Christensen
Over time, many different people have created theories based on the development of the average human and what influences their development as a human being. Since trends and the world is always changing, the theories are always changing to adapt to the changes that occur. Two theories that have been studied are Erik Erikson's “Eight stages of life” theory and Sigmund Freud’s “Psychosexual development” theory. Both of these theories are similar in some ways, but also have many differences. Both these theories are very important to the act of human development and help people understand the factors and roles that occur during this development.
Sigmund Freud believed that a human being’s personality developed through a series of childhood stages. During these stages, pleasure-seeking energies of the human’s ID becomes focused on certain stimulating areas of the body. This psychosexual energy was described as the driving force behind one's behaviour. Freud …show more content…
believed that a child's personality is almost fully developed by the age of 5. Early stages of like play a very big role in the development of someone’s personality and continues to influence the behaviour throughout that person’s life. Sigmund believe that the last stage of development lasted throughout both the adolescent period and adulthood. He believed this because he thought that the goal for adulthood is to develop a balance between all aspects of your life whether its relationship, career, school, family etc.
Erik Erikson’s “Eight Stages of life” development theory was highly based on Sigmund Freud’s theory, but he believed that Freud was missing very important aspects of life that play a major role in a humans personality development.
Instead of having only 6 stages, Erikson believed there were 8 stages. His theory was based on the stages that a healthily developing human should pass through from infancy to adulthood. Each person's personality is measured on how they handled each stage of their life and whether they overcame the obstacles presented during those stages that helps the transformation to the next stage in their lives. Erikson’s theory has been questioned as to whether the stages that occur have to be in that specific order, or if a person can experience each stage at a different time in their lives. Nevertheless, Erikson states that each of these stages occur one way or another and he truly believes that they happen during certain times during a person’s
Like Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages but unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. Freud focused mostly on how the first couple years of a child’s life is crucial to the development of their personality whereas Erikson believed that your personality continues to develop throughout your entire life. Both of these theories are based on how a human develops their personality throughout what they believe are the most important stages of their life.