Cuba is a country that is known worldwide for their revolution, not only is their revolution recognized but so are their leaders. However, their leaders are not recognized for their great honor but for their dictatorial rule over the people. This dictatorial rule has little to no importance for people’s basic human rights. Citizens of countries with dictatorships are deprived of their freedom. They live in constant fear and in complete obedience. That being said, these leaders are known for their humiliation of their own people. Which brings me to ask the question, why did Cuba have a revolution in the first place? A revolution by definition is an overthrow of a government in favor of a new social system. There is always a valid reason behind any …show more content…
A revolution is almost always taken place when the citizens of a country are dissatisfied with their leader and the way they are handling the country. When people are unhappy with the conditions they’re living in, they will seek change. The people of Cuba saw this opportunity of change in Fidel Castro, which is why they followed him and his revolution. But it’s important to know what exactly happened that led to this dissatisfaction? This essay will try to answer these questions in order to understand the reason for the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Analyzing Fulgencio Batista’s rule as president and eventually as dictator, will bring a valid conclusion as to why Batista was overthrown and if it had anything to do with his failures and corrupt and unjustifiable policies towards the
people of Cuba.
Batista’s Rise to Power