Tony Aron
COMM 470
November 22, 2010
Brookie A. Allphin Ph.D.
Analyzing Messages Paper
The skill to create, send and receive messages requires responsiveness and dialogue by both the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. The sender of the message must be attentive of the climate of the message that has been composed. The receiver of the message must be open to message that’s being sent. Effective communication is crucial when sending a message and receiving a message. How a message is sent affects how the receiver comprehends the intended message. The purpose of message 1 which is listed as appendix A was to inform, to persuade, and to provoke me the receiver to take action. The sender of …show more content…
The receiver of the message is Mrs. Smith a group sales specialist. The sender in this message is I. The message is me my responding to an email I received about an upcoming event in which my wife, who owns a daycare center will possibly take her students. There was not an environment because the message was sent via email. The technology that is being used for this particular message is email. There was no noise with this message internally or externally. The feedback was rather quick and in the form of a response to a follow up question. The message and technology used to convey this message were appropriate give the environment and purpose. The content, media and technology of the feedback were appropriate as well for the purpose and …show more content…
The receiver of the message is Mrs. Smith a group sales specialist. The sender in this message is I. The message is informing me of more detailed information of the upcoming event in which my wife, who owns a daycare center, will possibly take her students. The message was also meant to persuade me to act quickly in purchasing tickets. There was not an environment because the message was sent via email. The technology that is being used for this particular message is email. There was no noise with this message internally or externally. There was not any feedback. The message and technology used to convey this message were appropriate give the environment and purpose. The content, media and technology of the feedback were appropriate as well for the purpose and audience. Messages can inform the receiver, be persuasive or provoke the receiver to take action. A message is a type of communication between two or more individuals that expresses the sender’s intended message. When a message is receive, the receiver of the message should completely understand the intended message and uncover the objective of the