Humanities Prep Jeannie
The Allegory of the Cave
The Allegory of the Cave is a story that was written down by Plato, and told by Socrates many, many years ago. It tells of a cave containing prisoners who have been there since they were very young. Behind them is a fire that is burning, and between the fire and the prisoners is a road with a curtain-wall. Behind this curtain-wall are figures of wood and stone, including animals and men. Socrates asks if they had some form of freedom, such as being able to talk, or even being freed. Would they understand and be able to handle the outside world? To me, The Allegory of the Cave illustrates the fact that people sometimes do not understand reality for what it is. …show more content…
I am not one of those people. Over that past year or so, I have learned and realized how the world really is, and how it should be. I’ve been enlightened by a close friend who explained everything to me. He told me that you shouldn’t go around wasting your time doing things like partying, drinking, smoking, and things of that sort when you’re heading towards middle years of your life (think 30-40 years old). That should be the time you decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. A lot of people I’ve met don’t realize that they have to understand the world for how it is. I believe that you shouldn’t worry about things too much at a young age. You’ll have plenty of time to worry once you’re older and have more experience. Sometimes, the people who don’t have experience are the ones who don’t know how to face reality. Once they see it, the might not be able to handle