Many writers on their venture to becoming great, are faced with roadblocks. I too feel those stresses. When sitting down to begin a story, novel, or poem we all strive to be different. But as Baldwin explains, "there is no original thought, because we all humans think and feel has been thought and felt so many times before, by so many generations." This in itself makes starting writing a very daunting task. Not to mention the sea of fellow authors you are competing with for limited shelf space. A trip to a jam packed bookstore reiterates this feeling instantaneously. Really, what sets the writer apart is the original perspective and finding out what shape to give it to really hold the readers attention. This can all be achieved through the power in…
Read the poems a few times, noting each one’s theme, mood, form, structure, rhyme scheme, and use of imagery and figurative language. Use the provided table to record your analysis.…
Both swallowed in their job, the janitor in “Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits” by Martin Espada and the secretary in “The Secretary Chant” by Marge Piercy feel unappreciated and lost as employees. Jorge is “outside…of [Americans] understanding” and The Secretary is lost in her work and compares herself to objects such as her “hips are a desk.” The employees from these poems have become hidden behind their duties and are slowly sinking into the unknown.…
A tattoo is like poetry, because there is always more to the story than what meets the eye! The sonnet “First Poem for You” by Kim Addonizio is a riveting piece of poetry that uses symbolization to help guide the readers to understand the emotions and feelings the woman has towards her partner. Visual and tactile imagery used within this poem helps readers interpret the meaning of the poem. The theme is longevity and the true meaning of a relationship. In Addonizio “First Poem for You,” Addonizio utilizes literary elements to develop the story and detail a fictional character that is in love with a man that has permanent tattoos. Upon analyzing the symbols, visual imagery and theme throughout this poem the readers will better comprehend the poem to its entirety; these elements symbolize permanence, which is the meaning of the entire poem.…
There is a lot to gain from this poem. It teaches people that they can have a great life even though it is rough during their childhood. If he can survive dealing with his parents going through a divorce and then his mom passing away at a young age, then anyone can. It is tough for the boy. But at the end of the poem, he expresses that he is happily riding his bicycle with no worries in life.…
The passing of time is a theme that pervades the poetry of famous American Robert Frost, who explores many aspects of the human experience in his poetry. Two poems which are vehicles for his attitude towards the passing of time are “A Leaf-Treader” and “The Road Not Taken”. Both explore the debate between transience and transcendence but display two differing outlooks on these.…
Chapter 10-18“The greater a man’s talents, the greater his power to lead astray” Haley page122.-disscuss the ironyIn the brave new world people believe that everyone belongs to someone else. They are born with different caste and appointed jobs. They do not have to or cannot think and worry about anything, because the controllers need absolute submit to their orders. In their formats of human, human should not have talents and a brain to think. In this case, Bernard’s belief, habits, goals and curiosities have brought tension to the controllers. They think that Bernard’s “talents” will lead him or the community to a new theory of life, which is forbidden in the new world. This sentence is a verbal irony, director use the word “astray” to show that man’s talents is a noxious thing to have, which could lead people to corruption. But the truth is that the greater a man’s talents, the greater his power to lead to the understanding of life. (10.7)…
The works we studied within Creative Writing were all helpful in creating my own works to submit to the class. Throughout all of the reading, many of the works inspired me in different ways, whether it was short story plot ideas or word usage in the poems. While crafting my work for the final portfolio, I reviewed many of the poems from our poetry packet in an effort to find inspiration and to create new interesting images. I took the most inspiration for my formal poem, which I found most difficult to write. One of the poems that was most useful to me was Jilly Dybka’s “Memphis, 1976.” Dybka’s poem follows the sestina form; I also wrote my last poem in this form, so it helped to follow the form by looking at her poem as an example. Dybka’s…
Poetry arouses great emotions in people. How have four poems “aroused emotions” in you? What have you learnt about war and the emotions associated with it?…
Life leads us to excessive wishes that often result in a man’s downfall. Sir Philip Sidney in “Thou Blind Man’s Mark” portrays his hypocrisy towards desire and shows how it influenced to their downfall and destruction. In his sonnet, Sidney uses metaphor, alliteration and repetition to convey his feelings for desire.…
In the poem “An Echo Sonnet”, author Robert Pack writes of a conversation between a person’s voice and its echo. With the use of numerous literary techniques, Pack is able to enhance the meaning of the poem: that we must depend on ourselves for answers because other opinions are just echoes of our own ideas.…
Frost reminds me of Armageddon. Robert Frost is using the elements of fire and ice to represent the two strongest and deepest of human emotions. Fire would represent all the passion, lust, desire, and envy while ice represents the cooler and calmer emotions such as humans hate or ambition. Both are deep enough for humans to cause our own downfall.…
Have you ever felt like you were born to do something? Since I was born I felt like I was born to play baseball, but after that I would love to be a broadcaster. That is why I have chosen to analyze “The Broadcaster’s Poem” by Alden Nowlan. Analyzing a poem is not an easy thing to accomplish for me. As I very rarely analyze anything I read, but you should try everything once.…
Poetry is considered to be a representational text in which one explores ideas by using symbols. Poetry can be interpreted many different ways and is even harder to interpret when the original author has come and gone. Poetry is an incredible form of literature because the way it has the ability to use the reader as part of its own power. In other words, poetry uses the feelings and past experiences of the reader to interpret things differently from one to another, sometimes not even by choice of the author. Two famous poets come to mind to anybody who has ever been in an English class, Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. Both of these poets have had numerous famous pieces due to the fact that they both captivate the readers attention and can even keep them intrigued in a piece long after their first time reading it. A line such as one of the most memorable lines from Robert Frost, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (1). Many recognize this line and many may have their own opinions on how to look at his poem ‘The Road Not Taken’. Another poem with a shared theme is E.E. Cummings poem “Anyone lived in a pretty how town” these two poems are very different in delivery and literary devises, but both have a common theme, a theme of how time goes on and the choices one makes, shapes who they become. This reoccurring theme is important because live doesn’t stop going it is a clock that will never stop ticking and every time the clock ticks we make a choice that shapes who we are and who we will be in the future.…
The poem I love best, the poem that I want to memorize and memorialize is: To be of use by Marge Piercy. I discovered this poem to share with Kendra, a young friend who graduated from college. She wants a career that allows her to give back to society so the title caught my attention. Kendra, like me, seeks meaningful work; this poem not only speaks to Kendra, it speaks to me as well; it has since become my favorite poem. The title, To be of use, is appropriate for this piece—Piercy goes on to sing the praises of hard work. I grew up in a blue-collar working class family where my values about work were set at a very young age. Both my parents worked long hours and held down multiple jobs. My father was a welder, my mother a seamstress. All six of us children had numerous responsibilities to keep our family intact; additionally, we were expected to earn our own money by the time we became double digits at the age of 10. My parents instilled a strong work ethic in us, for which I am eternally grateful. Piercy’s poem honors the workers of the world, especially those who do the dirty work-- the low prestige jobs that afford high wages for those on top of the work pyramid.…